A sub-par short 15 second video
That is such an Ape Jamel video
Somebody who is not very smart; a person that has the cognitive abilities of an ape.
John: hey what’s 9+10
Sam: 21
John: you are such an ape brain, it’s obviously 19 you simpleton
A Slur used in south eastern Ohio to describe someone from West Virginia. Typically used to describe ignorance or redneck behavior.
She’s your cousin you damn cliff ape.
A term for very large saggy old women titties whose best life are behind them. Also commonly referred to handlebars on a Harley Davidson Motorcycle popularized by the gay community.
Whoa, look at grandmas Ape Hangers! Those were probably awesome back in the day.
True ap is the safe and pg 14 alternative to the term: True af (true as f**k) Safe and friendly for the whole family :)
Camilla: Toronto was so fun
Rachel, Layla, and Erika: True AP!
Present Chief Minister Y.S.Jagamnohan reddy is known to be as the 420 in ap.People calls him as Jalaga also. He has 36 cases on him.
Khaidhi NO:6093