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1. A person who lacks initiative.
2. A person who lacks wherewithal.
3. A person who has no "sack." Lacks braveness, boldness, assertiveness.

1. The sackless intern can't seem to find any work to do.
2. That sackless chap wants to own a convenience mart, but can't even pay his newspaper bill on time.
3. It's a sackless captain that can't steer his own ship.

by kero frangipani pants February 7, 2009


Insult used to say the person is useless, stupid or something to that.

"That sackless boy fell down the well!"

by doodles April 1, 2005

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Having no balls in ones sack

Guy 1: Chewy's real sackless for not playing me in nhl.
Guy 2: Yeah, he has no balls.

by DBroll March 18, 2013

sackless wonder

A male that acts like a bitch. Born with balls but never uses them. no backbone.

That guy was such a sackless wonder. Should have been born a bitch.

by Look at that Melon November 23, 2011

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sackless wounder

A male that has no back bone. Dose not stand up for himself. Acts like a bitch.

What a sackless wounder that guy was. Bet he has to sit when he pees.

by LOOK AT THAT MELON November 22, 2011

Sackless Cunt

Someone who always pussies out on shit and doesnt like to party

"Hey bro come do some bridge jumping" "Nah i dont want to " " Fucken sackless cunt"

by Champion of urbandictionary June 26, 2014

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little sackless ass

an individual with no redeeming value. Always talks about things that he or she will never become, in an attempt to be accepted by a group of peers. Thinks everyone is jealous of their percieved "coolness"

Terry: "Rob is always poppin a bunch of noise, but never has the balls to do it."

Ray: "Don't worry about it, we all know he's a little sackless ass."

by The mad scripter April 25, 2007

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