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Did you have a brain tumor for breakfast?

A phrase made popular by the 1989 movie 'Heathers' and the 2014 musical of the same name. It is very similar in meaning to 'Are you retarded?'.

Heather Duke: Can I be red?

Heather Chandler: Did you have a brain tumor for breakfast? I'm always red

Heather McNamara: I've been looking forward to this all day!
Heather Duke: Did you have a brain tumor for breakfast?

by ChrisWiltrout December 30, 2016

damn son where did you find this

The vocal sound effect used on trap songs that nobody will never find out who recorded it.

*Listens trap music*
-Oh, man there is the drop coming!
-"Damn son where did you find this?"
*Music drops*

by hardman May 7, 2015

98πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

What the fuck did I just read?

A question that you ask yourself after browsing Urbandictionary for prolonged periods of time.

Warning - prolonged browsing of Urbandictionary may result in you knowing things that you really wish you could unknow, and in some extreme cases, may lead to Mega Ultra Super Aneurysm.

search "1000000000th base" just up there in the search bar if you really want the "What the fuck did I just read?" experience. It's some really vile shit, so you HAVE been warned.

by Fruitfly April 11, 2014

64πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

What the fuck did I just watch

The perfect thing to say after you have just watched a video which made absolutely no fucking sense/left you confused.

After watching the stopmotion spongebob video, I asked myself "What the fuck did I just watch"

by MessicanRapist August 17, 2010

167πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

I did not have sexual relations with that woman

The biggest lie in modern history. Said by one of the most noteworthy presidents of the 20th century, yes folks William Clinton himself.

America: Did u hit that yet Bill?
Bill: I did not have sexual relations with that woman.
America: Oh...

by William Shakespear XVII June 3, 2009

270πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

I did nazi see nothing

A racist retort given when a blatant racist act is brought to someone's attention. Usually that person is white, but thinks instinctively that admitting the racist act and therefore racism exists, would somehow undermine white supremacy’s grip on the world, which would hurt white interest, negatively impact their white privilege and thus damage or degrade their living standards - of course, what would actually happen is the opposite, White people’s living standards would actually improve as a rising tide lifts all ships, but shhh don’t tell the white man that.

Man: Oh my god that cop just choked that black man to death on camera
White man: I did nazi see nothing
Also white man: HUMAN RIGHTS and FREEDOM!!!!

by WhiteAintRightJustLikeEveryone May 29, 2020

8πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Did he drop any good loot?

"Did he drop any good loot?" is a infamous one-liner reply to a obituary on the World of Warcraft forums. The name of the person who replied was the one and only moroldonfarm that was a level 1 priest from the Chromaggus realm. Shortly after this reply he gave out; blizzard deleted the thread and banned moroldonfarm's account. It did not take long until people leaked images of the thread and the reply to show proof that it was real. The reply of Moroldonfarm remains a Legacy to this day to many WoW players.

The Obituary:

Nano: i'm Nano's brother, as you know i've been playing with his account for some time now on Sona. i'm writing here to inform everyone who may care that nano passed away, we held his funeral on tuesday. the only reason im writing this here is that whenever i told him how people after months still wrought about how good nano was and some wrote how he was the best hunter etc. That statement always made him smile and i think its fair you all should know about whats happened so you may, even if you didnt have the pleasure of meeting him in game say a little prayer for him. He was a good soul and i know many of you who met him in game would agree. i want to thank you from his behalf for giving him many months of true pleasure in wow. thank you.

Reply from moroldonfarm:

Moroldonfarm: did he drop any good loot?

by Anti-bser-missile October 16, 2008

335πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž