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Did he drop any good loot?

"Did he drop any good loot?" is a infamous one-liner reply to a obituary on the World of Warcraft forums. The name of the person who replied was the one and only moroldonfarm that was a level 1 priest from the Chromaggus realm. Shortly after this reply he gave out; blizzard deleted the thread and banned moroldonfarm's account. It did not take long until people leaked images of the thread and the reply to show proof that it was real. The reply of Moroldonfarm remains a Legacy to this day to many WoW players.

The Obituary:

Nano: i'm Nano's brother, as you know i've been playing with his account for some time now on Sona. i'm writing here to inform everyone who may care that nano passed away, we held his funeral on tuesday. the only reason im writing this here is that whenever i told him how people after months still wrought about how good nano was and some wrote how he was the best hunter etc. That statement always made him smile and i think its fair you all should know about whats happened so you may, even if you didnt have the pleasure of meeting him in game say a little prayer for him. He was a good soul and i know many of you who met him in game would agree. i want to thank you from his behalf for giving him many months of true pleasure in wow. thank you.

Reply from moroldonfarm:

Moroldonfarm: did he drop any good loot?

by Anti-bser-missile October 16, 2008

335πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž


A Large often bipedal war machine that originated from the French book "War of the Worlds" With artistic renditions of a Tripod with three legas and a abdomen, however mechs only became popular in the 1980's with the release of the battletech series from FASA and started a whole new revolution in futuristic fictional warfare.

Ever since then, spin offs like the Computer Simulation games mechwarrior was released allowing players to enter a virtual cockpit on a battlefield, and even extended interest in japanese anime artists. Mechs are often depicted as large and usually destructive machines that can take punishment and give massive punishment.

Japanese engineers decided to try and make a mech, and sarted on it's work in the early 2000's and it was finished. However this mech in general or simply known as "Land Walker" instead of moving with limbs that lift and step, the legs slide on the ground with wheels underneath the feet of the walker. This Land walker was made by Sakakibara Kikai.

Other companies have stated that they are working on making mechs however in this time of age it is very difficult to harness the engineering to design such a mech, especially how it was envisioned in mechwarrior: Fast heavy and dangerous walkers. The main issue with creating a Mech is the limbs, the heavy weight that would incorperate the mech would make it harder for engineers to actually make it function properly, and it would need a powerful enough energy source powering it's move.

Many have attempted to make a Properly functional mech but there always becomes issues that takes geniuses to accomplish, but even then many picture a battlemech to be nothing more that a huge walking target. If a mech is to stand tall, and take punishment it needs great armor, but great armor like the M1a2 Main battle tank is extremely heavy for the Mech's Hydraulic actuators and servos.

Design is key in making a mech, and anyone could be the first one to make a fully successful mechanized vehicle, even though it may take years to come there will be a time when someone does it.

Words related to a mech:

The mech is considered a bipedal war machine with enourmous weight and deadly firepower that can dominate the battlefield.

Engineer1: Hey, did you see those anime mechs?
Engineer2: Yeah, they are damn ugly, and they look too
incosistant and reliable.
Engineer3: Yeah and what is with those Eye balls? Do they actually do something?

by Anti-bser-missile June 9, 2008

41πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Golden Heart Syndrome

When a person, usually shy or insecure; sees another person who they think is incredibly attractive, and then can't think straight as a result of seeing the attractive person. After which, the person thinks to him/herself and becomes in disbelief and low self-esteem that they can't ask that person out because they aren't "worthy" to ask out someone so appealing.

This is golden heart syndrome, the act of throwing one self away from potential romance in belief that "they deserve better". Golden heart syndrome also has other side effects, such as refusing to ask someone out because the person they are going to ask might already be spoken for, thus it would be intrusive on that person's relationship.

*Shy dude with Golden Heart Syndrome walks into store and notices one of the ladies there was extremely beautiful that he previously seen there before. *

Beautiful lady: "Hey, welcome to PC shop, what can I help you with?"

Shy dude: "Umm uhhh right, I was uh.. Looking for a... Actually, I think I need to go..."

*Shy dude rushes out the door, sweating and nervous to get fresh air.*

Shy dude: "I don't deserve her. She needs someone better than me."

Pedestrian: "You ok pal? You look all riled up!"

Shy dude: "Oh me? I... I think i'll be ok..."

by Anti-bser-missile January 12, 2013

10πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

emo kids

Emo kids are mentally ill people who are always depressed, feel rejected or hated.

Usually they have the appearance as a goth only more depressed and tipped over. Some emos get so upset with their live they will inflict pain on themselves such as using Exacto blades to cut themselves with. This is usually the first sign that the life they have is dangerous.

Emos are generally idiots in my opinion, because they never look at the bright side of things and always push downwards and listen to depressing stressful music instead of nice classical or something other than "IM GUNNA FUKKIN DIE IF I DUNT SEE MAH LIFE GOING OVER WITH THE DEMONS OF SHIT!!! ROOOOAARRRRRR"

Emo kids are fucked, they need to stop buying modelling knives and start having fun, Besides drugs.

by Anti-bser-missile December 19, 2007

16πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


1 .Someone who talks out of his ass, tries to "enhance" his personal biography with stories that usually won't fool anyone. 2. Someone who pertains to bullshit.

Dennis: Yeah, back in Nam' i flew the F-104 Starfighter in the special forces and i dogfighted 7 Mig-21's and shot each of them down except for one more when i ran out of ammo, so i started to gain some speed and ended up side by side with his jet, we looked at each other through the sides and i opened my Canopy and reached over to his jet with my combat knife and stabbed the mig pilot to death! Then i ran out of fuel so i took my oxygen tube and hooked it up to his fuel tank to my fuel tank and i took his fuel out while the pilot was dead and so i was able to travel home with a full tank. Yeah, i remember the sarge giving me 11 gold Valor ribbons, 19 Outstanding Airman badges, 90 Pilot badges, and 7 medal of honors, i keep them stored up my asshole. Oh yeah, and i also got a Astronaut badge when my F-104 achieved Mach-9.7 and went into Low earth orbit and stayed up there until the gravity pulled me back in which my jet as able to survive the Re-entry.

Me: Wow, you are the worst Bullshitter mankind has ever met.

by Anti-bser-missile February 1, 2009

15πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

all my children

A Soap Opera based on depressed woman and men. IT is really fucked because it makes the world look so evil.

The acting is quite terrible and is a blight on TV.

One episode of All My Children:

Bionca: The reason i murdered your father is because he tried to rape me.

by Anti-bser-missile December 17, 2007

10πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


Lifetime is a Channel on TV that runs movies and shows involving men being hateful rapists. This is potrayed most likely due to the Owner of lifetime is a Man hater lesbian. Many people Men and woman alike have Criticised Lifetime for being overboard, but that did not stop lifetime for airing some very irrational shows about Woman beaters. Every show features a man that owns a gun, and for some reason thats a bad thing so the woman freaks out and calls the police.

There are many shows on that channel that include rapists, rebellious teenagers who murder people, men who always cheat on their wives, and woman who get locked up in a closet because for some reason this very evil guy is gonna go kill a grandma for stealing some precious books from him.

Lifetime show:

Paranoid Lesbian: Oh my god! did you see that guy who was mad because his favorite baseball team lost the world series!?

Frightened Lady: Yes, oh my god! He might have a gun! He is going to come and rape us! He will take a baseball game on us because a Man is angry!

Paranoid Lesbian: We are going to die!

(The angry man goes home to cook dinner for his wife, but the two ladies think hes going back home to defile the house, and shoot his kids.)

by Anti-bser-missile December 17, 2007

199πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž