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little weener

You have an extremely small penis. So small that you would actually want to donate some of your penis to theirs.

Chris the Scavenger has a little-weener.

by KMAC April 16, 2005

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Little Einsteins

Just the most fucking annoying theme song in the history of the universe. Also the type of song that gets stuck in people's heads, however young or old they may be.

We're going on a trip
In our favorite rocket ship
Zooming through the sky
Little Einsteins! ... Shit.

by Olivia Newton-John March 26, 2015

21πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Little Tiny

When an obese female/male has sex with a midget.

Big Marry and Little Paul had "Little Tiny" together.

by Vaginal Disschargation July 19, 2009

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Little girls

The FBI is on there way too you...

Your a pervert you know that, looking for little girl photos or something, you disgust me.

Use the word little girls correctly

"There just little girls" dont say "I love little girls."

by Mr.Bruhman December 19, 2019

14πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

a little strange

This expression is used when you have been in a relationship for an extensive period of time and you have decided you need to add some β€œspice” into your life. This expression usually refers to a one night stand with an attractive member of the opposite or same sex. Usually only β€œanimalistic” sex takes place. Most of the time no words are exchanged during the evening, it is just used as a night of passion between the two sexes.

Be aware that doing something like this with a friend can cause serious tension and in most cases does effect the friendship

I was bored with my baby’s dad after 7 years. So I met someone from the internet and got a little strange…

by Jazi April 30, 2008

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little smokie

1. One with a small penis

"John is a little smokie."

by Anonymous November 6, 2003

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Little Buddy

A young over-enthusiastic admirer. May refer to you on a first name basis or even speak to you as if you've been friends for years. You only know them on an impersonal level but they see it as something closer. Usually means well but comes off as creepy or obsessed.

Little Buddy: Hey how's it going! How's your wife and corgi? Do you need any help with that big project I heard you're working on? I started working on it last night just in case you did.

You: Uh hi, maybe. Lets wait and see...

Little Buddy: Ok cool, thanks! I'll get right on that! Tell your brother I say hello!

by ShadowXion January 27, 2010

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