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Political Individualism

Political Individualism is a form of philosophical individualism that is concerned with safe guarding civil liberties against imposed social views by institutions such as: organized religion, state, community, ect.

Political individualism includes: civil libertarianism, liberalism, libertarianism, anarchism, and autarchism.

Political Individualism is chiefly concerned with protecting civil liberties and your right to express yourself.

by Kelmeer23 March 12, 2023

5πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

The Political Left

The Political Left is a side of the political spectrum on the scale of political beliefs, they usually tend to be more towards freedoms in the market, the economy, the social structure of the world and other social issues. It draws many similarities to Islam, as their are some of the Greatest people to ever be in a political spotlight, and there are also some terrible people that should just stop trying. Divided into 2 sects

Sect 1: Dems- The Dems, or Democrats, are people that usually believe in hard work and equality. Originally started as the working mans pony of racism and oppression, evolved into a force of good for the society of America

Sect 2: Extremists: The extremists are a 'blanket' of people on the scale. Although they label themselves with good people, they are often the most unstable and dangerous people to ever debate an issue. Profoundly made up of millenials and church outreach groups outside of the Midwest, they refuse to accept facts that don't agree with their political psych

Obama and Bill are great, But Hillary is a Demogauge for the Political Left. Not good, she fits right into Sect 2.

by Colonel_Shrek February 24, 2017

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Political Correctness

Acting with a degree of civility towards your fellow human beings; regarded as tyrannical suppression of free speech by conservatives who cannot bear to be respectful and considerate of women and minorities. Ironically, the term is wielded by hypersensitive right-wingers to smear and silence viewpoints that deviate even slightly from far-right ideology.

The term has become a convenient scapegoat for politicians to evade responsibility for their own failed policies and safeguard the status quo. By directing the people's anger away from the real sources of their problems and towards "political correctness", politicians successfully preclude genuine political discourse and actual problem-solving.

Person 1: Gays are disgusting disease-ridden sluts who should burn in hell.
Person 2: That's not nice.

Comedian: Blacks are chimps who should go back to Africa. Am I right?
Audience doesn't laugh.
Comedian: Oh? Are you all PC?
Audience member: No. We just didn't think the joke was funny. That's all.

Citizen: Our for-profit health care system has left millions without health insurance and drives hundreds of thousands to bankruptcy every year. Why don't we expand Medicare so everyone can receive decent and affordable coverage?
Politician: I hear you. But I think we really need to be talking about the epidemic of political correctness that is harming us all.

by qbdkusoemv August 18, 2017

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Politics Crew

A group of skilled debators active on the Newgrounds.com Politics Forum. Founding members include Freakapotimus, Ted Easton, The Shrike, Commander-K25, and JudgeMeHarshX

Don't try to beat the Politics Crew.

by Anonymous July 28, 2003

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vapor politics

Viagrated political rhetoric found totally missing after a cursory double-o.

β€œHe doesn’t have a chance.”

β€œWhat? You been ripping the bong dude? He'll win the nomination and the election because the average voting American can't detect vapor politics even when it's blowing their skirt.”

by Ur Daddie February 22, 2008

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Politically woke

When an individual is fully aware of what is happening in the government and society, what various individuals, organizations, businesses, social movements, and political parties’ agendas, beliefs, and actions are on numerous policy issues, as well as understanding how these beliefs and activities can affect them, their family, community, and certain minority groups in society and mobilizing socially, financially, and politically when needed in effort correct actions that are unreasonably discriminatory towards certain groups in the name of social justice. These actions include doing things such as attending protests and marches, signing petitions, calling out people, organizations, and businesses for performing biased actions, etc. It is important to note that people who are politically woke tend to be liberals and generally speaking will only mobilize on issues that are considered to be part of the social justice.

Lexy is aware of what is happening in the government, including what certain political leaders are up to. She has mobilized on many occasions to try to correct social and political wrongs committed by the government, certain celebrities, and organizations. For the most part, she only mobilizes on issues related to gender equality, LGBTQ rights, and racial equality. She considers herself to be politically woke. (The Giphy chosen for this word shows a movement that uses this idea a lot: the Black Lives Matter movement)

by Vanguard 1998 November 12, 2021

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Vaccination Is Political

When the rates of vaccination in the United States are lowest among Trumpublicans, religious folks, and conspiracists in red states, compared to higher inoculation rates among those who voted for Joe Biden nationwide.

That there is a positive correlation between vaccination and votes in the US is unmistakable, because vaccination is political there, which means that more infections and fatalities in the face of the deadlier delta and delta-plus variants are expected in states with high proportions of unvaccinated people.

by MathPlus July 20, 2021

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