Source Code

The Great Reset

Starting over, or redoing it all created by the YouTuber: Ryan Trahan on his series โ€œI survived on $0.01 for __ daysโ€

Katie: Hey did you see Ryan Trahans new video?

Ben: No what video?

Katie: The video where he got reset

Ben: Oh you mean The Great Reset?

by Anonymous102002 June 27, 2022

5๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

great dane

A girl who is a 9 or up on a 1 to 10 rating and deserves being pointed out to your friends

Yo mike look at the great dane by the cashier

by mike o. June 19, 2009

12๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

No Great Mischief

Possibly the worst book ever written. A summary of this book would include a guy pulling out his own tooth, a bunch of guys sleeping in the same cabin and going out to mine every night and getting shit on by some french dudes, an alcoholic dad and sooner, an alcoholic brother that dies in his car back in a small shitty city in Canada called Cape Breton.

Yo dude, have you read "No Great Mischief" ?

i would rather pull out my own tooth

by bookhater January 15, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Great Turtle

A supposed deity worshipped by small silly people.

Daniel: Hey, guys. I worship the great turtle.

Nick: That makes one for your religion.

by He-who-should-be-named. March 22, 2009

7๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Great Gatsby

A "classic" novel, The Great Gatsby is a book that English teachers find necessary to assign their students to read, even though the plot is stupid, and everyone ends up dead, alone, or unhappy. Nobody knows quite how this book became a classic, but the '70s movie remake of the book stars Law and Order's Sam Watterson.

While his students' brains melted out of their heads due to boredom, the English teacher droned on about the signifigance of Gatsby's car being yellow throughout the boring novel, The Great Gatsby.

by The Kid whose brain was melted out of his head June 11, 2006

85๐Ÿ‘ 206๐Ÿ‘Ž

Great Neck

The worst town in the world. It is overpopulated by Persian whores that **** their cousins, and other people (to become popular), buy juicy and treat people like ****.
There are barely any non-Persians in my town....... and it is like hell... I hate it.
My skinny friend and I want to like pwn em all!!! >_>

I hate Great Neck!!! >_>

Person #1: z0mg like give me teh head!!! >_>
Mollie: z0mg I'll do anything to become popular ^_^
Liana: z0mg I'm gonna go get some juicy pocketbooks and get some juicy clothes and hook up w/ a juicy guy!!! go juicy!!!
Junjun #1: z0mg like SAFRON!!!!
Mindle: STfu!!! >_> Go eat kebob and **** cousins...
Junjun #2: z0mg like my dad has 8 acres of land and owns 1/3 of Iran (btw this makes no sense)...
Sam: I bet he owns 8 acres of weed farms
Mindle: lmfao >_> xD

by Mindle January 21, 2006

26๐Ÿ‘ 54๐Ÿ‘Ž

great falls

small town in Virginia. The most boring place in the world. Well, one of them. GET FAR AWAY! Rich snobs and wayy to many forests. Bored just thinking about it!

I am so glad i moved away from great falls!

by Torie March 28, 2005

27๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž