The use of memes as a form of social punishment or rejection as a direct or indirect response to wrongful words and/or actions.
A derivation of poetic justice.
The partygate memes contributed to Boris Johnson's resignation in a form of memetic justice.
A person who always needs to be correct. The will never accept that they are at fault. The misinterpret situations and view their opinions as the truth.
Faye is being a justice thief right now because she refuses to apologize for leaving the gas cap on the hood of the car which made it blow away. She says it’s okay because she paid for the gas.
Mob justice meted out over the internet.
Digilante justice was swift after I posted that comment about #unpopularTrump, when a crowd of white supremacists doxed me.
```shining justice is the dumbest thing in world```
~~there is shining justice~~
The Neurodivergent need for everything to be fair and just. Irrespective of the hierarchical structures present in society.
Of course Bobby lost his shit. You’re treating his friend poorly and it just sets off his ADHD Justice complex.
Ratio-ing the hell out of a grossly unjust tweet.
We need to bring CCP's tweets justifying their genocide of the Uyghurs and their organ harvesting practices to ratio justice.
An amazing husband. He is sexy, kind, and loving. Beautiful blue eyes. Taken so don't even try it. He's got it all.
Damn Justice Hall is one sexy mother fucker.
You better back off bitches he is mine