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justice marshall

a fucking frat that makes tiktoks and fucks freshies. hella short and needs shots lmao just do it naturally like how you do those 14 year olds

hide the 9th graders justice marshall is coming

by jensenthefatass April 20, 2022

A Strong Sense of (Personal) Justice

Those weren't the good ones. This is the good one.

Hym "A strong sense of (personal) justice is a trait of autism. I saw this in a YouTube video by... Kaelynism? Something like that... Which means I am... CORRECT AGAIN! The political landscape is just Austists vs Schizos!"

Autist "The numbers don't match! All the rates should match with all the other rates! Cops shouldn't exist but you should get arrested for being a RACIST!"

Schizo "They're persecuting me! They're persecuting me because I love Jesus too hard! Don't you see!? God told me that you have to do whatever I say forever... And IF YOU DON'T... Well, I just get to do whatever I want, don't I!? Heheheh...."

by Hym Iam June 25, 2024


1. An adjective for a person whose presence is treated as a punishment despite being unavoidable; their attention is undesirable but necessary.

Often used to describe girls who are not wanted but needed for sex.

Guy 1: "What did that chick you had sex with look like?"

Guy 2: "Dude, she was rough-justice"

OR the word can be used to describe the situation.

"She was so ugly but I really needed to have sex. It was rough justice"

by D-Manplaya123 August 19, 2009

Louisville Justice

The use of a fine maple baseball bat to get revenge on some douchebag who purposely messed with someone you love.

The dude shoved my sister down the stairs. Boys, it's time for Louisville Justice.

by February 26, 2024

Engineer's Justice

An unlucky thing to happen in the game Puzzle & Dragons where a skyfall combo ruins a cascade. It's explained in the video ww w.you tube.c om/wat ch?v = Tud3JFWNY1M (remove the spaces).

Person A: I wanted to beat the new hard dungeon, but Engineer's Justice ruined me.
Person B: Maybe you'll beat it next time.

by These are NOT POODLES November 3, 2020


The scale to which an object or entity is orange.

How orange is it?

by MaccaWilsDog May 9, 2023

Social Justice

Allocating resources, opportunities, and privileges in society in a manner that gives preference to constituencies and cronies.

He was passionate about social justice and the safe distribution of healthcare. Due to this, he decided to use his ever-powerful certificate of need law to prevent Grayson from opening another hospital nearby.

by MorBaddies October 11, 2022