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moist beans

the most disgusting thing you could ever say

friend 1; "these are some pretty moist beans aren't they?"
friend 2; "please never say that to me again"

by tiktokapproved1818 March 21, 2020

Manufacture moist towelettes

When it’s so hot outside and you’re sweating so much that you would be able to take a dry piece of toilet paper and wipe your taint area as well as inner thighs and ass crack to produce a product similar to Clorox wipes.

It’s so hot outside that I could manufacture moist towelettes

by Jbed450 May 21, 2021

Moist Vincent

Sticking a wet penis inside your girls ear

Ron gave Sarah a Moist Vincent last night, now she's pissed.

by Captain Dave 13 November 13, 2020

Moist Pasta

Moist pasta or mp for short is when a man wraps pasta around his penis and then has sex and afterwords makes the female eat the pasta he wrapped around his penis. This does work for lesbians but not for men.

P1: Hey do you want to try moist pasta tonight.
P2:Oh yes I would love to

by Moist Pasta August 18, 2019

critikally moist

Critikally moist is "moist critikally"

It means charlie has made u nut to the max.

For example :
I remember when Charlie made me "critikally moist" to the max.

by iammoist April 23, 2023

critikally moist

Critikally moist is "moist critikally"

It means charlie has made u nut to the max.

For example :
I remember when Charlie made me "critikally moist" to the max.

by iammoist April 23, 2023

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Moist Milk

Moist Milk is the army created by Sigmahatesyou too annoy PickleBee_

Sigmahatesyou:”moist Milk

by PickleBee July 27, 2021