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Name 3 Songs

The act of middle age folks(mainly men) calling out young men and women wearing retro/vintage band Tshirts. Saying: β€œName 3 songs!”(in agitation) Often with some type opinion that you don’t deserve to wear that shirt.

How old is this girl? Like 20? Where did you get that Pantera Vulgur Display Of Power shirt??? Can you name 3 songs? Can you even name one fucking band member??? I saw that band 20 times before you were even born!

by 2LunchTommy June 11, 2021

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Little Children song

Pedophile alert!!! "Little Children" is a song written by J. Leslie McFarland and Mort Shuman. It was recorded by Billy J. Kramer & The Dakotas. The lyric concerns a man's entreaties to his girlfriend's young siblings not to reveal his courtship of their elder sister and to leave them alone. BUT!!!! Really it sounds like the first aide to the modern PEDOPHILE movement. If you have ever heard the song it is very cringe worthy, watch out little children, the Dakotas are coming.

I was walking by the park and this older gentlemen looked like he was whistling the little children song in his mind.

I bet that in jail all of the people who used the little children song are living in protective custody.

I knew a girl whose uncle used to sing her the little children song when they were by themselves.

by Cee wizzle April 26, 2010

313πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž

A Song of Ice and Fire

A threeway with a redhead and a platinum blonde.

Podrick: What did you do last night?
Tyrion: I had a Song of Ice and Fire with Daenerys and Ygritte. You?
Podrick: I had one with Catelyn and Cersei.
*Tyrion and Podrick high-five*

Jorah: Why do you want to invite (book) Robb Stark and Jaime Lannister to negotiations, Khaleesi? I do not think it wise, Khaleesi.
Daenerys: I want to have A Song of Ice and Fire.
Jorah: I see, Khaleesi.
*Jorah cries himself to sleep*

by Oberald Sand February 2, 2014

53πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

bitch lasagna song

The best diss track of t seires you can ever hear.

T SEIRIES AND NOTHING BUT A BITCH LASAGNA (part of the bitch lasagna song)

by Lets kill furries together December 17, 2018

20πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Batman Theme Song


Jack : Dude, have you heard the Batman theme song?
Alex : The one that goes "NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA BATMAN!!!"?
Jack : No dude, the other one.

by Jalexbarakarth69 January 13, 2012

149πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

Knife game song

The song you sing when you play 5 finger filay. Created by amazing youtuber Rusty Cage.

The knife game song is the song you sing when you play the knife game. The lyrics are: Oh I have all my fingers the knife gose chop chop chop if I miss the spaces in between my fingers will come off and If I my fingers the blood will soon come out it’s all the same we play this game cause that’s what’s all about oh chop chop chop chop chop I’m picking up the speed and if I hit my fingers than my hand will start to bleed

by Poato Nuggets February 14, 2019

goblin underwear song

an old korean folklore song

referred to in the Korean drama "Goblin" by the grim reaper while folding underwear

The goblin underwear song was hummed by the grim reaper, and this irritated the goblin.

by outofthesquare February 12, 2017