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A vegan that dabbles in meat of course

Dave; Steve you want a bacon sandwich?
Steve; no I'm a vegan.

Dave; Go on its just a bit of bacon.

Steve; No I don't eat meat on ethical grou...... oh go on then. And so the demi-vegan was born.

I only eat beetroot burgers because cows are cute but it's gotta have cheddar on it!

by lebodge August 17, 2021

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Dirty Vegan

The act of using a vegetable for anal penetration while using salad dressing for lube.

Similar to the Dirty GF, where the dressing must be gluten free (no croutons)

After a good PETA protest downtown, Deckleโ€™s girlfriend Lesnie rewarded him by performing the dirty vegan

by DV2xU May 3, 2019

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Fashion Vegan

Wearing all black on a daily basis but not actually keeping to a strict vegan diet.

Otherwise known as Swedish/ Iranian R&B songstress, Ayelle.

Oh my god! Amanda is such a Fashion Vegan.

by Gannydeorge October 9, 2017

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Crypto Vegan

Someone who claims to be or inspires to be Vegan, but regularly eats meat when it suits them. A crypto vegan often raises their veganism in conversations with work colleagues and friends, and refers to meat eaters as "killers", but will happily munch on a Big Mac on a Friday night. Can often be seen eating (non vegan) pasta for lunch, lacking the knowledge that pasta is made from egg. Frequently lobbies managers at work to host a "Vegan Christmas lunch" party, despite no other vegans working at the company.

Hey, you know Kerry from the office? I saw her in McDonald's yesterday ordering a double quarter pounder with cheese meal. I thought she was one of those vegan crusaders?

What, Kerry? Nah, she's only vegan in front of colleagues.

But why? Who's she trying to impress, literally nobody cares? She even told me off for eating a ham sandwich the other day.

I know right? She's such a crypto vegan.

by Quasher April 25, 2021

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Vegan Latin

Pig Latin, but the -ay is replaced by -egan

Person: Hello
Vegan: ello Hegan. ow Hegan are ou Yegan oing degan oday tegan?

by An actual South Carolinian May 3, 2017

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Vegan food

Beaten, abused, tortured, species-confused and identity-confused, over-processed vegetables forced to cross-dress as meat, and then trafficked to primarily woke millennials.

Vegan food is food that nature surely did not intend.

by Kelalaka May 17, 2022

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Bad Vegan

It's to eat vegan, but stealing the vegetables from the animals

He is a vegan, but a bad vegan. He stole the food from the porks.

by Warclimb January 14, 2019

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