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window theory

Fucking shit film about a bunch of gay guys-losers.
The muscles on them,jesus christ its sickening!!!!

"window theory, fags mad about each other"

by lenkylicious August 11, 2006

18๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Windows ME

A piece of shit. The worst OS Microsoft has ever put out.

OH SHIT Windows ME blue screened again. Figures!

by Andy September 7, 2004

38๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

window eating

window eating

verb; the act of consuming window pane LSD which is when LSD has been absorbed or encapsulated by a gelatin substrate. Also known as window licking, window pane or 4-way . the end result of this action is the experience of powerful hallucinations and sensory distortion in the user that is... just... just fantastic.

1Hey Rodolgo, what are you doing later?
-Oh man i was going to go window eating tonight, want to come with?
Sure! is it any good?
- its good! real good! old family shit!

2 gaot any acid?

-sure if want window pane!
-i would love to go window eating

3 what did he just take?
- oh he went window eating and will be tripping his face off!

by manabouttown212 April 7, 2013

11๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

window licker

a mentally challenged person, a mentally retarded person(derogatory)

That kid is nothing but a window licker.

by Light Joker May 22, 2007

257๐Ÿ‘ 187๐Ÿ‘Ž

Windows XP

A version of Windows, that according to the Windows Pattern should have been terrible but is one of micrsoft's best ever.

Windows 95 - Bad
Windows 98 - Good
Windows ME - very, very bad
Windows 2000 - Good
Windows XP - Also good
Windows Vista bad
Windows 7 - Awesome
Windows 8 - Bad

by Sinfonia69 December 7, 2014

9๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

"window fogger"

adjective: a window fogger is a term used in describing a song meant for making love to in a parked car, hence the name a window fogger from the condesation that accmuilates from the action its self.

Sweet Child of Mine by Gun N Roses sure is a "window fogger"

by Jose Mercado December 20, 2006

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windows 69

windows but nice
also windows lol edition

"hey have you checked out windows 69?"
"windows 69 doesn't exist"

by BenSav March 30, 2021

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