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Big Willy White

Will White is a world class gangsta.
He doesn't flinch at torture, human trafficking or genocide. He's not loyal to a country or a flag or any set of ideals. He trades blood for money. He's your new best friend.

Random bitch: Damn I need William White in my life!
Fat geek bozo: Shit man you dont wanna fuck with Big Willy White.

by arnold12345 November 12, 2022

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Off-white people

White people who season their food adequately.

Ashley’s Mac and cheese slaps, she’s one of those off-white people that uses seasonings.

by Bree_uhh April 28, 2022

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White Claw Finger

This occurs when you have ripped open too many delicious White Claws with the same finger in one session, leading to mild pain and redness in and around the nail bed of the affected finger.

Symptoms include pain with opening another White Claw, having too much fun, and occasionally, blacking out.

"Bro, I crushed so many Claws last night that I came down with a nasty case of White Claw Finger" -Brad

"Only one cure for that bro, let's go get more Claws!" -Chad

"Ya bro, ain't no laws am I right?" -Brad

by A6969C August 31, 2019

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White Trash Lullaby

A shot of everclear mixed with a shot of NyQuil to put one to sleep.

I got knocked out last night after drinking my white trash lullaby

by Theliberalredneck January 6, 2018

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White trash dope

Marijauna, Weed, Pot, Mary Jane, Grass, Piff, Ganja

"Movin that white trash dope like an fuckin acutioner"

by Donny Jose June 5, 2015

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White-Flag Insult

A White-Flag Insult is an insult used when an arguement is lost. These insults don't require any originality and usually go by the lines of "Kill yourself!", "Fuck off!" or "Fuck you!"

Dude who lost the arguement: "Go fuck yourself, asshole!"
Dude who won the arguement: "Bit of a White-Flag Insult, but okay."

by ReallyTallWuss December 29, 2020

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White Trash Juice

Ranch Dressing

Can I get some White Trash Juice with my wings

by PB&Ham Sandwich November 10, 2018

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