Do drugs December is like No Nut November but you do drugs. Tbh i love that month and sometime i fail no nut November just by looking at my stash. Like ong it be sexy asl.
person 1: Bro i failed no nut November
Person 2: why
person 1: i looked at my stash for do drugs December
person 2: you need a therapist
person 1: ik
A language of the gods, that we still don't understand
Subject A: lel u stopid
Subject B: ur an idit
Subject A: do u have r stopid
Subject B: o shit
Subject B : *literally fucking dies*
When a girl goes along with the flow just cuz "we're friends" or "I took pity". Eventually ending up in a situation where its awkward for everyone.
Sam is doing a Val and dating a 30-year-old again.
When a girl goes along with the flow just cuz "we're friends" or "I took pity" and eventually gets into a situation that's awkward for everyone.
Sams doing a Val and dating a 30-year-old. fucking pedos dude
The sound made by the happy bouncing baby goat of
My happy bouncy baby goat goes "Gadoing Gadadadoing Doing Going Doing Gadoing Doing!"
a quote from the legend himself, simon.b.k. He was having an epic beatbox battle with a pal, when suddenly he was faced with a challenge to for even the legend, the idol, a man of much respect and honor. He.... *cries in shame* could in fact not do the waterdrop sound effect :(
"u know i can't do the waterdrop"