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Open Door Policy

An example of corporate double speak.

A "policy" in a corporation that purports to invite open communications with middle management by stating their door is always open as a matter of policy. However, it's just human resources bullshit, as such feedback is almost universally NOT desired by the managers, 90% of whom will see such interruptions as wasting time.

Because it is not really a policy, it's a statement that is designed to lull employees into the womb of contentment while not actually accomplishing anything.

See also closed door policy.

"Man, our benefits package this year really blows! I wish I could tell management."
"Hey, doesn't your department have an Open Door Policy?"
"Are you kidding? They just say that because it sounds friendly. If I bitched to my manager about this, I'd be shown the door."

by Security Wonk July 19, 2008

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Turkish can opener

the act of double-penetration in a single orifice, usually the vagina

The exact origins of the Turkish can opener are unknown, but I did this last weekend, so we could say that it started there, for historical purposes.

Girl: Owee!!!
Other Girl: WTF mate?
Girl: I'm in major pain, my BF and his BFF did a Turkish can opener on my snooch last night.
Other Girl: Ooh, what's a Turkish can opener?
Girl: One cannot be told about a Turkish can opener. You have to feel it for yourself.

by dragonbardlarp October 19, 2010

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Opening a destruction company

-When you absolutely screw the hell out of a girl.
-To pound the shit out of her, or destroy her vagina due to violent thrashing.

-Used when explaining to your friends about the previous incident that occured.

Guy 1 " dude last night I brought this chick home and opened a destruction company on her"

Guy2 " oh man she must be walking crooked today!"

Guy1 " you know it bro i absolutely destroyed that vagina"

Guy 2 " man there is nothing better then opening a destruction company"

by Joemizzle952 September 23, 2010

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Bomb Doors open

When a poo has begun to fight it's way out.

I sighed with relief when my bomb doors opened

by JayNW December 7, 2008

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Open Operation October

Throughout october you gotta fap with your door open atleast 1 inch

Open operation october is kinda scary with my parents in the house...

by ConstantPhoenix October 5, 2021

wide open warrior

When the guy sits up straight, grabs the girl by the ankles and slams his erect cock into the woman

I wide open warriored my sister last night.

by Vanici July 13, 2014

Concession Open Carry

A person of girth carrying armloads of giant drinks, buckets of well buttered popcorn, etc. from a movie theater concession stand. They can usually be seen lumbering through the lobby or fighting gravity on the slope of the theater aisle as they deliver their bounty to appreciative partakers.

Big Ron always volunteers to do the concession open carry since there's no take out bags.

by Dragonsphir November 28, 2016