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Donald Trump

Greatest man to ever exist

Donald Trump is America's number 1 president

by Basedlord_69 November 5, 2020

11212πŸ‘ 261πŸ‘Ž

a donald trump

A Donald trump is a dump ... as in a crap, dropping the kids off at the pool

I really need a Donald Trump!

by Bobsdefinition November 22, 2020

2πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

Donald Trumped

Being removed from social media by the social media company.

Hey Joe, did you hear about Mark? He put his opinion on Facebook and then was swiftly Donald Trumped.

by Axl777 January 12, 2021

3πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

Donald Trump

(noun) A bloviating, puff adder sack of lies.

Coined by Micheal Stipe.

β€œDonald Trump is a bloviating, puff adder sack of lies.”

by MaybeARealWord March 31, 2021

539πŸ‘ 297πŸ‘Ž

Donald Trump


D. dpedophile
O. oidiot
N. nracist
A. afuckingnarcissist
L. lier IE "we're gonna build a wall" yeah, a crusty dusty musty old fence
D. dick

T. terrorist engager
R. really real hair :|
U. usucktrump
M. motherfuckingidiotwhocantgetanythingdone

Don't be such a Donald Trump

by bagel bites January 12, 2021

541πŸ‘ 16392πŸ‘Ž

donald trump

a literal fucking cheeto puff ass, crusty dusty, dirty, orange spray-tanned, mf oompa loompa who can't pronounce china right. don't support this ass hole. he is racist and homophobic, he's a pedophile, he has been charged with sexual assault, he wants to fuck his own daughter, he doesn't understand science, he is anti-mask, he doesn't pay his taxes, he can't run the country... so don't let him, and he is a disrespectful idiot. literally, his own wife is counting down the days till she can file for a divorce. o, and he is the same age as melania's parents.

fuck donald trump

ik bro, he's literally a whole ass cheeto puff for fucks sake.

by the fat ass truth January 11, 2021

2πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž

Donald Trump

A total dumb person who thinks he is so amazing, but really is a doofus who has called capitol riots, caused people to DIE, endangered america, and literally has done nothing good in his life. A Donald Trump is a person also with no IQ, who has a huge ego.

If I wanted to kill myself, I would jump from "DONALD TRUMP's" ego to his IQ, and if a baby jumped, the baby would die or get past 100 years old before he/she gets to the end, the gap is so long.

by bearlover2007 February 4, 2021

542πŸ‘ 2095πŸ‘Ž