Same thing as a Ditch Tiger: a stray or feral cat. There are still some states that have open season on Field Lions.
Pull over! I think I see a ditch tiger, hand me my rifle. Them dern field lions are somethin... they multiply like skeeters.
A bunch of badass soccer players
Did you see the brownwood lions soccer team being badass
Very full and fertile testicles
Wow my king was so ready for his honey bee, his manly nuts were like "plasticine lions"
Toothless, overweight trailer park denizens who have found some small semblance of life purpose through an artificial affinity to the Detroit Lions football team. Primarily high school dropouts and meth addicts, these miscreants come clad in bright blue and silver-colored costumes meant to advertise their allegiance to a team they've never paid to see. Fond of denigrating other NFC North teams for supposed inferior concessions, the Walmart Lion is a rare example of the undereducated aping the customs of the snobbish "elite."
Yeah, he hates the Bears, but don't worry, he's just a burger-flipping Walmart Lion with a GED from Costco.
The 2023 NFC North Champions. Not as bad as they used to be.
Fantasy Player: "Hey, who should I have as my defense this week?"
Other Fantasy Player: "The Detroit Lions."
when a penis is medically considered micro yet there is a large amount of pubic hair on the shaft of the penis, this makes the penis look like it has a mane (lions mane) with the bear head of penis resembling the face of the lion. since the penis is a micro penis it occasionally retracts in to the body thus the "lion" hides in the the "cave" CAVELION
I saw Jim in the locker room, poor guy has a cave lion.
Famous last words of Jubal Arkansaw Dummann. Also where the name of the famous snack "Jeez-Its" come from.
Dummann also coined "Are you nuts?" Which then led to Planters.
F in the chat for Jubal Arkansaw Dummann bro.
"The Jeez, It's a lion" man had the IQ score of a rock but at least I have my Jeez-Its.
The volcano just erupted but at least I have my Jeez-Its.
I'm going to get sued by Kellogg but at least I have my Jeez-Its.
I'm about to be beheaded via guillotine but at least I have my Jeez-Its.
My house was just raided by the FBI but at least I have my Jeez-Its.
I have been sent back in time to the stone age and cavemen are beating me up with clubs but hey at least they aren't taking away my Jeez-Its
My house literally fell apart but at least I still have my Jeez-Its
I have ran out of Jeez-Its.
Now I have no meaning.
Jeez-Its: The Snack That Pays.