a woman who is in a fbltr relationship with one, and only one, man.
a one-man deal type of woman is better than a cl fuck bunny
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can be used in two ways
1. deals -meaning calm or like cool.
2.deals-someone can be deals in the sense they are a calm/chill person
Gs: I just logged into my snap on your phone
Cece: Deals!
Ian: why you looking at me like that?
Mercy: Your proper deals lool.
Pretty and a butthead funny but dark humor doesn’t get over her ex
Bryce:Deals is driving my crazy
An agreement between two or more parties, much like a promise or a garenter to keep ones word
Tell you what, lets make a deal?
Oh yeah, whats in it for me?
I will give you my netflix pasword for your left shoe?
Daym, thats a pretty good deal! U promise tho?
Thats what a deal is right?
Distribute (cards) to players in a systematic rotation during a game or round.
The last hand's cards were dealt.
The replacement name for something you don’t remember the name of.
"Where did you say the tv remote was, dad?"
"It’s on the deal."*points to coffee table*