Since 2020 it is a thing caused by being out in the sun too long wearing a mask to protect from Covid 19. Basically the area around the mouth an nose stays white and pasty, giving the appearance of the well known character from The Simpsons' facial features.
Been out in the sun too long today have we? That mask has given you the Homer Simpson Tan look hasn't it?
quite scary place, a few lesbians and what not. Number 18 is iconic tbh I remember when they had a dead horse in their garden
“Hey have u ever been down Simpson Road?”
“ya because i live down it u melt”
A deceptive sweepstakes to entrap those of below average intelligence by offering an otherwise unobtainable redneck bucket list prize.
They arrested my cousin at a Homer Simpson Boat Draw
Heavily drugged bart simpson. Populations of ohio wear shirts with a character from the simpsons with his skin color dark skinned while talking about how he fucks his niggers
My mate here is obsessed with bart simpson nigga!
A university library that has nearly no books about sexuality outside of marriage. Representing the Christian ideals of CMA (Christian Missionary Alliance) doctrine who acts like Big Brother to the school. Yet have an entire section on how to practice black magic.
Damn, I can't find any books on Tarrot Card reading that's prejuidice to gay people. I need a Simpson University Library
The false belief that newer entries in a series or franchise have somehow degraded in quality over time. Mostly used for series that have been around for a very long time. Named after the long running show, The Simpsons.
Person 1: Man, AVGN is shit nowadays!
Person 2: No, really, it isn't, the humors as funny as ever, and so many great episodes have come out in the modern AVGN era. Hong Kong 97, Seaman, Life of Black Tiger...
Person 1: B-But, everyone else thinks so!
Person 2: No, actually. Look at the most liked comments on any video and you will see that they are all positive. Seems like a case of Simpsons Syndrome, eh?
The act of making questionable decisions causing involvement by local law enforcement.
Hey man, have fun tonight, but make sure you don't get Simpsoned. I don't have time to bail you out tomorrow.