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Body Shot

A type of photography in which the only thing pictured is the muse's body. Nudes in which the face is not pictured, faceless models, and other types of anonymous photography that only includes limbs and torso are included.

Lee: Hey dude, didn't you hear? One of the girls in our class sent some guy her nudes.
Jay: Isn't she like, 16? It's illegal to send someone a body shot until you're an adult.

by miercoles_blues October 30, 2023

2👍 1👎

Body Crinkle

A body builder's brownie texture looking skin

Woah.. that dude has a lot of upper body crinkle!

by Nugget buddy March 13, 2017

Brooklyn Body

A girl who has a perfect body

Dam bro, my girl has a Brooklyn Body, she fine as hell

by Jayden777 July 3, 2021

body choad

a verry short and fat or short and built person

A: dude! that guys a body choad!

b: yeah man he's so short and fat!

by jesusshaves December 25, 2007

Muck bodies

Muck bodies are anything that makes you feel queasy, especially in relation to the human body.

Muck bodies are anything that make you feel sick looking at them, especially in relation to serious injuries, like deep cuts etc.

"Arthur cut his arm really deeply. You could see tendons, veins, and all sorts of muckbodies in there."

by Bubba Zanetti December 9, 2019

Tornado body

When your shape resembles a tornado

"Damn, that girl got a tornado body!"

by Black sous October 9, 2016

Body bag

a condom

“damn i think the body bag ripped, the kids spillin out”

“you better not get me pregnant nigga”

by xxxotk January 10, 2022