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Knickknack Toys

A company/corporation which is not actually real, used in a Netflix Show named “Some Assembly Required” and is a toy company creating toys, and in every end of every episode, 1 new toy is introduced, and a commercial for it is shown. People who own it started with Knickknack. Literally, his name is Knickknack. He founded the “company” (that’s not real), and then second came Candace Wheeler, a mean woman who created GARBAGE toys, and pretended to be Knickknacks girlfriend. Then came uhh.. who was it? Oh yeah, Jarvis, the present owner of Knickknack Toys, who is the main character (based on your opinion) of Some Assembly Required

“Knickknack Toys is a fake company, but I wanted to buy one of they’re toys!”

by ElectroX7 November 6, 2022

National Tidy Toy Day

Every June 8th, be sure to do a thorough deep cleaning of your sex toys (assuming you haven't already). A very healthy practice to prevent a infection, UTI, etc.

Guy 1: "Hey bro, what day is it?"
Guy 2: "It's June 8th, National Tidy Toy Day"
Guy 3: "Ah shit, I gotta go deep clean my pocket pussy"

by Fullmetalf@g June 8, 2023

Hillary's Toys

When you have merchandise from Hillary's 2016 campaign under your bed.

Man I have a lot of Hillary's Toys.

by AlanLovesButt June 27, 2018


Thinking of you

Hey Smilena, Just wanted to touch base and say I was Toy.

by Trentism October 2, 2023



former UM president's boomer way of saying "thinking of you"

you can give me a private briefing ;)

by UMbaddie January 16, 2022


A toy is a grown mans car or vehicle

I got my new toy parked right outside

by djdjbh March 9, 2016


Acronym for "thinking of you", usually used at the end of intimate text or email correspondences.

Have a good day. TOY. - Mark Schlissel, former president of the University of Michigan

Here’s something she sent me today. Nice to speak with you and see you even digitally. TOY. - Mark Schlissel

by wolverine3792 January 16, 2022