When a lower enlisted salutes the wife of an officer, he/she is signaling that they would like to participate in sexual relations, typically with the officer involved or observing.
Wives of officers asking or insisting a lower enlisted to salute them (which no civilian is owed from anyone) are signaling that they desire the enlisted person to engage in sexual activity with them.
Corporal O’Reilly told me he was going to salute the wife of Major Burns. Now he tells me he’s got a “special assignment” for the Major later tonight.
armins wife is basically a person called kay and yeah they're armins wife 👹
armin from aot btw 😈
omg have you seen armins wife they're so hot
Yelling wife is defined as if your dog is barking at the back door and your wife is yelling at the front door, who do you let in first?
The dog of course ... at least he'll shut up after you let him in!
Don’t try to become a yelling wife; otherwise, I am going to get those noise-cancelling headphones.
A woman that invokes an intense desire for marriage amongst even the most hardcore bachelors. She has likely turned down 20-25 proposals in her life
Jorja Smith is wife-beautiful
A wife that is forced to anally and vaginally consume thousands of berries daily.
Tommy can’t wait to get home to his Berry Wife.
A Chloye Wife is someone who you are madly in love with and you can't take your eyes off them.
My oh my look at that Chloye Wife
Prophets wife may refer to the Islamic prophet Mohammed's many different wives over the course of his life.
All of Muhammad's wives were widows or divorced, with the exception of Aisha. Aisha was 19 around the time of her marriage, as teen marriage was common back in the ancient times.
The Prophet's wife was the woman Aisha, who was a very loyal wife.