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Bible sayer

A person who is always saying "Well, the Bible says..."

A lot of Christians are Bible Sayers but not Bible doers

by Gods #421 February 24, 2024

Left foot on the bible

A hillbilly term for swearing to god you're telling the truth.

Left foot on the Bible I did NOT sleep with your sister lover!

by iamcoppo February 28, 2017

Vocal bible

Vocal bible

#vocal bible

by Bebe2017 December 24, 2021

Put the Bible in the drawer

A reference to the act of sexual intercourse.

Tom and Jenny are going in there to put the Bible in the drawer.

by Conner Grant February 7, 2018

Undercover Bible

The Undercover Bible, is that sneaky Bible you expect to be on every Rednecks makeshift bookshelf. wether it be hiding Money, metal objects or a flask of Alchohol,l the Undercover Bible is perfect for hiding absolutely anything you want (bible's vary in sizes depending on stash).

Cledus: Hey Pa Susan, Sarah, Billy and Sam are Fighting over the last corn cob Again
Bobby Ray: Dont worry yourself there son, I stashed one in dat dere Undercover Bible.
Cledus: Thanks Pa, Gorsh darn i luv yoou

by SUPANINJA December 10, 2009

Bible of HyDka

Sacred texts and instructions on how to bait with ash on Rainbow Six Siege

1: Im trying to get better at Rainbow Six Siege, what should I do?

2: get the Bible of HyDka , it is a sacred text on the arts of baiting until you hit Champ. He is often referred to as the Masterbaiter

by Greatbadwolf7777 February 21, 2021

bible bunny

Usually someone who picks and chooses different verses from the Bible, to fit their political gain. Most of the time being hypocritical and not going by the Bible themselves. Not true believers of the bible, but using it in a way to control the narrative.

"Trump is such a bible bunny, for selling Bibles to fund his campaign."
"The legislators pretending to speak in tongues on the Senate floor, are such bible bunnies."
"Westboro Baptist church is really out here trying to kill people, instead of save them. What bible bunnies"

by LadyJusticeisBlind April 10, 2024