The sexual act of jerking off and while cumming jamming your cock through the hole of a blueberry donut presenting it for your sexual partner.
Brandon surprised me with a glazed blueberry donut for our anniversary last week.
When you eat a bunch of hot peppers and nut on her face
Yo bro last night I gave her a wild spicy glaze!
To glaze someone online means to feed them compliments that are so over-the-top that they come across as cringe-worthy or phony. While the goal is usually to win someone over with flattery, it's often unsuccessful because they can see right through it. Some might even consider it a form of sexual harassment. If you feel you have been 'online glazed',
be sure to contact your local law enforcement.
Jerry: "Stanley, why does Max keep online glazing people like Tommy? It's making all of us feel real uncomfortable."
Stanley: "I don't know but what's even worse is Tommy feels like he's being sexually harassed and doesn't want to say anything out of politeness."
Jerry: "Yeah well, Max can take his funny business somewhere else because Tommy is married to a woman. We should've known something was up when he shared that he trains his legs and glutes 7 days a week injured or not.
Stanley: "I agree. Max's online glazing is almost some type of fetish."
The act of blowing a load on ones lips
I'm gonna give you a Boston cream glaze if don't shut the fuck up
when you cum all over a girls asshole
glazing the donut