Pills (Usually xanax, ecstasy, and percs, etc)
Im going to go get deal. My supplier is in dade.
Someone who says the word “ Deal “ Often means they are trying to use you and force you to buy them fortnite skins.
Also means that they are super gay and dumb as fuck
For example:
I want to make a deal.
Could mean literally anything. Could describe a person, a thing, a situation. Popularized by radio shock jock Bubba The Love Sponge.
Hand me that deal over there. That was a fucked up deal. I took Monica out and next thing I knew she was tugging on my deal. Mike was involved in a deal with Jim over those gimmicks. We got a simulation kinda deal happening here with that deal.
a woman who is in a fbltr relationship with one, and only one, man.
a one-man deal type of woman is better than a cl fuck bunny
a woman who is in a fbltr relationship with one, and only one, man.
a one-man deal type of woman is better than a cl fuck bunny
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