Someone who lets their terds dangle when they are crapping, either on purpose or because they are generating more power to keep pushing and dont want to cut it just yet.
Omar:Dude the other day Frankie sent me a picture of a turd hanging out of his ass.
Gino: Lol Frankie is such a turd dangler
An alternative way of saying asshole. Typically this term is used to describe an individual who may very well be an asshole, but at the same time they are not worthy of your top shelf profanity.
Brian is just a useless turd squeezer. Not an asshole, because asshole would insinuate that , while having a shitty attitude, he actually tries to be a productive member of society.
When your sitting on the toilet for atleast 20 minutes and it feels as if the biggest turd has came out of your rectum; when you get up to wipe there's nothing in the bowl.
After twenty minutes of sitting on the crapper Johnny got up to whip and comes to find nothing there but a Houdini Turd.
A small speed bump that you don't have to slow down for.
Driver: Speeding, going 55 in a 25.
Passenger: yells slow down, watch out for that speed bump!
Driver: hits it going full speed then says"Oh thats just a speed turd"
An unproven, purely theoretical construct that the psychological disorder known as Golden Turd Syndrome is based on, which is the idea that one’s shits are “golden” and that one is a human god and therefore can do no wrong and should not be confined by the laws that apply to others.
Turd Alchemy is the underlying irrational and pervasive pseudoscientific delusion responsible for the ongoing deification of Trump and his cronies by so many of today’s Republicans.
When taking someone rough around the edges and making them look and act better, but still has a hint of stank.
Boy oh boy, look at Ryan now. From where he was last year to now? That's one shiny turd!
A sexual act where many men and women, sometimes on special occasions even children take shits in a public pool and someone eats as much defication as they can
Clifford: hey Patricia want to get your family together so we can play turd shark?!
Patricia: yeah sounds like fun!
Clifford mmm this shit sure is tasty
Patricias mom Sandy: hey come over here little turd shark I sharted a little bit i here turd shark can smell a shart from miles away
Clifford: oh don't worry Sandy I'll suck that log right out of your fine milf ass!