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Red Legend

The one and only
The Arav, The Supreme
The Red Legend

The Red Legend's incomprehensible

by Dylan Achiles June 12, 2022

wild and red

Describes a person that has red hair and freckles, which is unkept and vaguely out of control. This is applicable to most red heads due to their unnatural appearance (overly pasty and wild red curly hair) and aversion to sunlight, like vampires.

Example - did you see that red haired kid? Wow, he looked pretty wild and red with his curly hair, pasty skin and freckles!

by AccLaw December 28, 2017


on December 26 , you are allowed to beat up the red Ranger (time force ) for free , he cannot fight back .

"yo bro , this is our chance to beat up the red ranger , for free !"

by AyoBruhDont December 26, 2022

red mold

When a pink wall is covered with red mold.

The pink wall is covered with red mold.

by Debskelly1985 May 9, 2023

Red Wings

Tag you earned after performing oral sex on a female while she's on her period / menstruating .

Man, I wanted her so bad that I earned my Red Wings to get it.

by ZXC3233 November 20, 2015

Red Wings

These are similar to military jump wings earned to wear on your uniform but anyone can earn them by doing one of or both the following simple acts of bravery
1. Perform oral sex on a woman while she’s menstruating
2. Perform vaginal penetrative sex on a woman while she’s menstruating

Both are done with complete disregard for one’s own personal safety. These are selfless acts of courage all in the name of giving your woman the orgasms she wants, needs and deserves 365 days a year.

Bro, did you know Dan earned his red wings last night with Angela and didn’t realize it until he went into the bathroom to clean up?!

Girl, my man has both sets of red wings and performed with valor every time. Don’t be scared, let him earn them on you during shark week

by NOVAchiveguy December 28, 2022

Red Wings

While a woman is going through her menstrual cycle, the person performing oral sex removes said female's tampon by the string with his teeth and proceeds to shake their head in a vigorous manner side to side with the bloody tampon still in his mouth. This creates wings on the cheeks of the newly found member of the Red Wing Society.

Hey bro, my stepsister let me earn my Red Wings last night.

by mlad the psychopath October 21, 2020