Aussie word for when you forget your mates name and your best friends with them.
Aussie cunt 1: sup you dumb ass cunt
Aussie cunt 2: your mum has a numb ass if you know what I mean, cunt
An alternative term to refer to a politician
The prime minister is a complete cunt
A term used for not a nice person.
That Seline is a real cunt, she’s probably had more prick’s than a 2nd hand dart board..
Cunt can be used as a Gay slang, which came from the show “Ru Paul’s Drag race” and can be used for a positive description.
-Giiiirl, she looks so cunty with that outfit.
-His personality has it all! Cunt all the way!
-This is the place for real talents, if you don’t have cunt, just leave already.
A common greeting in Australia
Oi cunt you goin down to the beery.
An Old Wrinkly women that teaches sex ed....
Use a Condom Bitch! Said Mrs. Cunt