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Pipe down Midget!

A Commonly used term for wellbeing teachers and workers to assert authority and dominance over small people, and kids. The term is used primarily on kids titled Luke. Luke is defined as a small midget child who constantly creates trouble in the surrounding area. A Luke is always 5ft or under...

Wellbeing teacher : PIPE DOWN MIDGET! *agressively points down at the 3rd class citizen*
Luke : *scared* *timbers shivered*

by Dog............... March 9, 2022

Put you down

1. give (someone) facts or information; tell.
2. give an essential or formative principle or quality to.


Example: "Let me 'put you down' - PUBLIX has the best subs ever!"
"Thanks! how'd you know that?..."
"POSTERBOY put me down"

by POSTERNOSTRA July 25, 2024

Upside Down

The Australian's are Upside Down Because they are in Hell.

Look at those Australians they are upside down lmao

by Chernobyl Person January 5, 2022

Upside down

When something has it's top face facing downwards.

"I flipped a table and it was upside down"

by Bingler 9000 January 10, 2022

scarfed down dumplings

a passionate, yet somewhat awkward, affair with an in-law

After returning from Chinatown, they scarfed down dumplings in their hotel room before the behavioral management conference.

by not-who-you-think-it-is April 12, 2024

Ups and downs

It doesn't explain it as well as "He was a Hym imposter who fell off immediately after it became obvious that he wasn't actually Hym." Like the exposure they got diminished the day after it became clear they weren't Hym and/or was entirely predicated on "Is that Hym!?" And then it was like "Oh wait... No... No... Nevermind" OR YouTube itself was like "Oh, shit! It's Hym! Get him! Get him off of there! Spread the word that if you get that guy on you're getting dialed down."

Hym "Nothing explains their ups and downs better than the fact acting like Hym is a great way to drive interest. People want see me interact with the shills and the charlatans, baby. YOU, Destiny, were able to maintain your following in a way that they were not because you are both willing and able to shill on 1 or 2 of the correct positions you're allowed to have on YouTube in the right way, you avoided people coming after you by complimenting the right people (i.e. Youtube cashcows, women in general). You also have another thing working for you but I'll expound upon that in the next one. You don't make disparaging remarks about women. Default atheist lefty politically. Militant about the "right" axioms. It sure as hell isn't you being special. Deviation from the default along the positive gradient (Whereas Tate deviates negative). This is all meaningless though because the people validating your position are buying bath water and spit."

by Hym Iam December 30, 2023

Tall Trees get cut down

The act of smashing a female who is taller than you.

Homie: ayo fam would you fuck a tall girl?
Homie 2: Hell yeah nigga tall trees get cut down too.
Homie: Facts

by June 8, 2022

2👍 2👎