A person (of any sex/gender) who seems like a fun, outgoing, socially acceptable person when in a group situation and with acquaintances. However when you get to know this person it becomes clear they are an insufferable cunt.
I know Janet's husband seems like a fun dude at company parties but when you get to know him you see he's a real CLOSET CUNT.
a bad word for a shemale a male/female that has both sex organs
I accidentally fucked a sausage cunt this morning
A woman's vaginal discharge once aroused to the fullest capacity.
I like hot cunt gravy down the face honestly..
Cunt Hunting, or Cunt Huntin’: Is when a man, or men, actively seek out a women, or a “cunt”.
‘You boys out cunt hunting’ again?’
‘Hey me and derik are about to embark on a cunt hunt’
Two dudes, who's bad attitudes ruin everybody's trip at the Japatul Masculine part.
Thanks, you cunt maggots.
Ryan and Jason are cunt maggots.