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Electronic Arts

A sign that the apocalypse is near

Electronic Arts ruined too many good video games series

by November 16, 2016

Electronic Arts

Electronic Arts (AKA: EA) is a game developing company that charges for anything you do in said game.

You can do fuck all and have it go "tHaT'lL bE $67.99"

"I like Electronic Arts"

"Then I guess you like wiping your ass with dollar bills, you asshole."

by DDOM April 30, 2020

Electronic Arts

A laughing stock company that places shitty microtransactions into video games.

"Hey wanna play Battlefront 2?"
"Nah, Electronic Arts ruined it"

by RickyMcRicky April 13, 2020

Electronic Arts

A video game company that lacks the

"Technology" to support their newest battlefield game but yet still supports

Loot boxes

Electronic arts noun "We dont have the technology to keep supporting battlefield 5 but you can still

Buy loot boxes tho"

by Mildman May 22, 2020

O’Connell Art

The only place in All of Oconnell with any freedom, an oasis in a vast desert. A desert full of juuling frat boy wannabes and girls who roll their skirts to distract people from their crippling nicotine addiction. The teachers glorify all things amazing at Oconnell, literally just the Art Program. A man with stories to tell and minds to mold, Mr. Crivella is perhaps the most interesting man in the world. The Oconnell life is a cesspool or shit but walking into the Art Wing fills a person with joy and puts their mind at ease as it seems like they’re not in the same building anymore. The only place that has any purpose in the entire building the art wing and classrooms of Mr. Jones and Mr. Crivella are the glue keeping the school grounded

The only thing that I look forward to in a day is O’connell Art class

by RELYT Son October 8, 2019

Praw Art

Praw Art is art that uses the chibi style and instead of using black as its primary color and underline, its uses pink as its primary colors giving its name “P” in Praw. It’s commonly used as a challenge to some individuals and it’s a way to use uncommon colors in general art.

Mia: Hi Ema! What are you doing?
Ema: Im trying Praw Art and it’s really unique.
Mia: Oooh! I wanna try Praw Art!

by The Whatttt?????? June 17, 2023

art funk

When an artist temporarily loses his ability to create.

Trent is actively trying to get himself out of an art funk he's put himself into.

by TwitterHandle March 4, 2017