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Fammy Glaze

A beautiful human being inside and out, blessed with so many talents, bubbly, has a great sense of humor, very lovable. She can be emotional at times and fierce most of the times. She is protective especially to her friends, quite deadly too so don't tryna mess up with her family. Loves Boy Band and very energetic dramatic fan girl. Has the potential to bleed your ears and make your heart beat fast so be careful boys you might end up falling for her. She can be childish but matured enough to handle serious situations. She deserve to be love so please don't you dare break her heart.

No one: Fammy Glaze!!!

by sixuoeirdA November 24, 2021

Donut Glazing

When you use a donut to jerk off and use the cum as glazing and make your partner or yourself eat the donut.

"Should we try donut glazing?"
"Hell yea!!!!"

by St.Lars_represent January 24, 2023

Glazed Worm

When a man or woman is dancing "The Worm" a group of men cum all over them while they proceed to dance.

"My wife caught me doing the Glazed Worm with her coworkers the other day."

by WSSDingDing June 6, 2024

Glazed Marshmallow

When a guy insert’s a marshmallow inside a girl’s dripping pussy and slurps it out while going down on her.

Damn, that Glazed Marshmallow last night was bussin!
10/10 Keith Lee approved.

by March 17, 2023

Glazed donuts soles

A beautiful woman soles, covered in cum, or something creamy.

Wow dude, that girl has some glazed donuts soles!

by Rynslayer June 29, 2024

Deserved Glazing

A type of glazing that is deserved

Person 1: Cristiano Ronaldo is so good i love him so much
Person 2: Your glazing

Person 1: But its deserved glazing

by UMadUBad69 January 20, 2024

mutual glaze

when two entities glaze (extreme, often undeserved support) each other equally.

The mutual glaze between America and Japan is crazy!

by y-urpsedu0nym May 31, 2024