you may be a girl named "toga Himiko" doing the remove the first and last letter of you're name trend, or you want to know the real meaning which is "original" i think there are more meanings but this is what i know #MHA/BNHA.FANS.WE.STAND
1: oml that character looks so OG
2: really thanks!
example 2:
1: hey guess what?
2: what?
1: i did that trend with Himiko Toga from My hero academia
2: oh nice bro
OG - original girl
Description of you best female friend.
Not to be confused by the Original Gangster that the boomer use
My og helped my thru me breakup
Original girl, your one best friend that has been there for you for everything.
#Out of date people confuse OG with original gangster.
My OG helped me thru my breakup
previously used as Original gangster and there is enough definitions of that on this website, nowdays newgens use it as followed: way of sayin somethins is old and original most likely nostalgic too.
the OG season of fortnite was fire
Livet handler om to tette og ei badehette. Mange vil si det er selve meninga med livet.
Philosophical dude: Hey man, I often wonder what the meaning of this life is.
Orcacel: Let me enlighten you, it's to tette og ei badehette.