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Errol & Wife


Errol & Wife you two are mine & my man's besties🤗 we have the utmost love & respect

for you as a couple.Errol I've known you in excess of 5yrs now.You & my friend/sister are

so good for each other your families get on

so well I couldn't have asked God for better

people i enjoy spending time with you guys.I know every couple goes through struggles

you just need to communicate better so do

we really I know you love her endlessly & my friend/sister loves you too,but some advice

for you both keep what ever you go through in

your marriage between yourselves as there are

a lot of so called friends especially younger ones trying to destroy your marriage. If you argue or fight it's still your marriage to work through not theirs.You have been together almost 9yrs now don't let bad mind people pretending to be friends of yours or hers into you private lives

A psychic has told me a younger woman tried to breakup your marriage as she has unhealthy obsession with you from a long time ago your mistake you reconnected with the person.
Understand your marriage is sacred between a husband & wife for better for worse even if you get mad at each other😄One suggestion go out as a couple more often I'm scared someone is trying to get your wife to leave you out of spite.
That person isn't a friend she's done something
Love you both 💕🙏🏾

Errol & Wife are the most humblest people you're ever likely to meet.

by Janet21 March 8, 2023

wife laugh

when a group of women who are mothers/ wives cackle simultaneously

women (3) : *all cackle*
daughter: omg such a wife laugh

by maddymcannisalive April 6, 2019

jimins wife

Aurora- beautiful gal that jimin loves so much. Jimin states that he will love to have a family with her even tho he is keeping the relationship away from the public because he is an idol. —note from jimin: Aurora, i love you!!❤️

Aurora is jimins wife.

by -the worlddd August 8, 2021

backup wife

A backup wife is a wife picked out by a current husband and wife couple for when the current wife dies.

It’s so sad Jane passed away at 40, but at least she had already picked Sue out as a backup wife for John and the kids.

by EuniceFrasierr June 30, 2020

Fishford Wife

individual who neglects real life obligations and activities in order to care for a virtual fish tank and his/her menagerie of eFish in Fishville.

I had to pick up my sister's kids from school because she was busy feeding her species tank full of Blue Damsels in Fishville. She's a Fishford Wife.

by hmcdesq May 24, 2010

Wife Blocking

Comparable to “Ice Blocking”.

Basically what you do is sneak up behind your wife, and yank her pants down near the top of the stairs.
You whip your winky out and shove it into her buns. You then grab a hold of whatever you can and ride her down the stairs!!!

Last night my wife wanted to do something fun, so I introduced her to Wife Blocking!

by BigBadButtBlaster December 5, 2019

cod wife

Your ride or die chick that you roll with on Call of Duty. Not to be confused with your real wife, who is most likely jealous of- and nags about your COD wife.

Back off bitch, I'm not talking to you- I'm talking to my COD wife.

by BiP0larBear January 11, 2023