Stephen a guy who is fake and flakes on plans all the time. Usually a red head who can’t get any pussy. Not a charming kind of guy, has no filter and isn’t a big fan of family
Cousin: stephen let’s hang
Stephen: okay let’s do it
Cousin: okay I’m here
Stephen: I Can’t thought we canceled those plans.
A disabled person who struggles to walk up a set of stairs within a space of four minutes 4. They also find themselves extremely funny (even when they aren’t) and believe they are superman for some weird reason. CAUTION be careful within close proximity of a wild stephen as them may walk with an arched back and arms and claim they are a dinosaur
Dear lord he can’t even get to the second floor the stephen
The man , the myth, the legend....bow down to lord stephen sama
Stephen is an awesome guy
The one and only legend of kik , the man , the myth , the legend... people not only love him but also worship him, he is an angel of lord
Stephens are very caring for the ones they love, they will do anything for their girlfriend. Stephens arent very confident but they arent ugly either they just arent confident in themselves. He can be very sarcastic and make jokes he doesnt mean. Hes a very good friend but is very dry sometimes. He can also be very annoying and just pure dirty minded. If you have a stephen as a friend or boyfriend you should keep him because he is an amazing friend!
Stephen is a fucking short ass Brazilian stud, who will fuck your mom both ways
Stephen is about to beat the shit out of you.