a fat black kid who masturbates and plays 2k 24/7. he loves to suck cock on a daily. and his favorite term is england is my city.
Ayo was sup cunt head stephen.
A person that doesn’t like his girlfriend , probably wishes she would die.
Stephen is a chicken nugget
What’s that coming over the hill
It’s a Stephen
Kind, warm hearted, family oriented guy.
Forever in frustrated by the massive spelling mistake in his name.
Arsenal scumbag.
Stephen, why would you support a team like Woolwich Gunners?
the weird guy at work that tries to make small talk
stephen: “wow this shift has been so long”
*his shift started 5 minutes ago*
Looks like some neckbeard with Cheeto dyed fingers and Mountain Dew breath kind of guy.
That keyboard warrior is definitely a Stephen.