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class crush

Someone who you look forward to seeing everyday in that one class who you drool over. You may have multiple class crushes for different classes.

"Are you going to date John?"
"No way, he's just a class crush"

by ih8school December 6, 2013

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anti crush

Someone who you would absolutely not want to date under any circumstances. If you and them were the last single people on earth, you’d rather be single. Can also apply to the same gender for straight people and the opposite gender for gay people.

Carl: I think you’d be a cute couple with Mason.
Kate: hell no, he’s not only ugly, but he’s rude and has bad hygiene. He’s my anti crush. How the fuck can you picture me dating him?

Lexie: I’m a lesbian, and even though I have friends that are guys, men are my anti crushes.

by nutella137 July 22, 2020

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Proximity crush

1. An attraction to someone not particularly attractive, developed from frequent and prolonged exposure to the person.

2. The subject of the attraction.

I have such a proximity crush on my new teammate.

That new girl in class is my proximity crush.

by MystJake June 5, 2020

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Geek Crush

'Geek', not to be confused with 'Nerd' as Geek's have less of an ability to overacheive in anything but cuteness.

'Geek Crush' - An unpredictable crush, that teenagers (male or female) often develop on people, much below their standards, or people that don't fit the normal view of attraction, often conceived on people above average weight, miles below average weight, with glasses, people above average height, below average height, with a larger interest for comics (graphic novels) or manga, or people that are abnormally shy.

Mia: I Have a total Geek Crush on Michael Cera, He's the most adorable thing since fried pancakes.

Danielle: Euw.

by Mia Mi-Who? July 13, 2011

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man crush

a secret crush/attractiveness/admiration a straight male feels towards another male that they may or may not admit to having (every guy has one)

my brother has a man crush on Taylor Lautner!!!!!

by meganocity July 8, 2011

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Facebook crush

A crush on a Facebook friend you barely know and weren't attracted to when you did know them. Most likely to occur when you've friended an old acquaintance who's become suspiciously more attractive over the years, due either to a particularly flattering photo or because they've now aged into a range where you could feasibly date them without being considered a perv. These factors, combined with intelligent and thoughtful posts by the subject friend, can lead to a titillating attraction for a mental projection that does not in fact exist. Such crushes are seldom viable in analog space.

I've developed a Facebook crush on Gunnar, but I'm sure it would be a disaster if we really went on a date.

by Lola Roman January 2, 2010

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Man Crush

For a man to have a very close platonic friendship and/or admiration for another man.

"Ben Affleck has had a man crush on Matt Damon for a long time."

by Emily Fox June 30, 2005

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