The lone seed that doesn't get picked out of your smoke before flame is applied. horrible odor and taste.
The smell of a hippie gernade cleared the circle in only seconds.
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A person who is simultaneously impressed by the a definition on urban dictionary for its verbal prowess, creativity, absurdity, humour, etc. and at the same time disgusted or morally outraged by the definition and proceeds to give the def. the thumbs up followed immediately by the thumbs down, just to be fair.
hippy-crit: HAHAHAHAHHAH! The shocker! I've never laughed so hard in my life. Thumbs up! However anal penetration is wrong and not what Jesus would have wanted, so thumbs down.
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This is the term for the bit of hot ash that you accidentally suck down your throat while smoking marijuana. Usually, this occurs given 2 criterion:
1) You are smoking out of a pipe with no screen (Like most glass pipes).
2) You are near the end of the bowl, or the bowl is already gone and you are trying to be greedy and get one last hit.
This isn't really dangerous, as the tiny bit of ash won't do any lasting damage. It is more of a hassle or nuisance.
Stoner #1: "Dude I think the bowl is getting clse to being done..."
Stoner #2: "No way bro, let me get one more rip! <COUGH, COUGH> Damn, I just took a hippie grenade down my throat!"
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a person of modern times who rejects established institutions and values and seeks spontaneity and escapism, direct personal relations expressing love and happiness, and an expanded consciousness. they often express their lifestyle externally by wearing casual, folksy clothing, such as: beads, headbands, tie dye, leather, used garments, goes barefoot often, etc.
a modern day hippie can, but is not expected to: go live in the woods for months or years at a time, not shower- or shave- for weeks on end, have long hair, smoke 10 Ibs. of weed every day, trip on LSD on a regular basis, or have sex with every friend they know.
She promotes peace, love, and happiness; wears her hand- made shoes and carries around her home- made purse and her favourite shirt is tie dyed and she's had it since fourth grade: she is your modern hippie.
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the combination of psychedelic psilocybin mushrooms and peanut butter
shrooms can taste like stale popcorn, they can taste like feet, but they never taste good and the act of consuming them with peanut butter makes for a much more enjoyable dining experience than eating shrooms plain
"hey bro wanna eat some hippie nachos?"
"fuck that, last time you gave me that the walls started breathing and everything was changing colors"
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is a crew of hip-hop artists from Compton,California. they include Kendrick Lamar, jay rock and schoolboy Q
black hippy compton california
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People who smoke cannabis but refuse to act for cannabis law reform.
People who would rather see the law remain intact to keep somebody who's only criminal offence is getting caught stoned down in the gutter where he belongs.
The only effect prohibition has had for these people is high prices for getting high.
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