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Rubicks Noob

Someone who can't even spell Rubik's right.

The guy that made the other definition is a Rubicks noob.

by ybcuber September 5, 2018

8👍 1👎

drive by noob

Usually said in multi player grand theft auto or “multi theft auto” or mta.

Refers to people getting constant kills by doing a drive by.
Because the players are in a vehicle doing drive bys they can’t be killed as easy, and because of sub machine guns high firing rate and high power it allows players to kill more easily.

Drive by noobs are most commonly found on motor cycles because motor cycles allow them to shoot at their left right and front, as opposed to being in the car where you can only shoot left and right.

Some times people refer to these people as DB noobs.

{CW}henerykill got killed by tehDBn00bz0r
{CW}henerykill: z0mg, fucking DB n00b
tonymontona73 got killed by tehDBn00bz0r
tonymontona73: WTF, Drive by noob!
liquid_ocelot got killed by tehDBn00bz0r
liquid_ocelot: !report tehDBn00bz0r, drive by noob!

by Is this name used? August 6, 2006

35👍 11👎

noob face

A noob thats appearence shows outwardly that they are a newbie and/or their noobish ways

Look at Sol, he's a freaken "noob face"

by mr loreo January 30, 2008

35👍 11👎

kamikaze noob

This term is used commonly in crypto trading. It described a newbie trader that goes all in into risky coins (that are usual scams) like TRX. Also doesn't do any research & doesn't care what he is buying, until he receives -80% slap on his investment.

Example 1:

A: My friend went all in into TRX. He doesn't know it's a scam.
B: He is such a kamikaze noob, he is going to get rekt so hard.

Example 2:

A: Suppoman pumps his coins so hard.
B: Well yeah, he has many kamikaze noobs under his belt.

by kobilica March 7, 2018

Experienced Noob

A player who has been playing for a long time but still plays like a noob.

Some Guy: You must be a pro in this game, I mean you've been playing for a long time now.
Player: Nah i'm just an experienced noob.

by Saburō May 4, 2020


A mlg person. This person is not a noob and is in fact the complete opposite. They are absolutely awesome at everything.

That guy Jerell is such a non-noob.

by The one and only Olivia October 23, 2015

Noob Denial

When someone thinks they're good/the best at a game when they are really just a noob. They will continue to argue with you, trying to explain how they are better without any proof. When you end up beating them/doing better than them they will still continue to make excuses as to how they are better.

Nikko: I don't understand how you're beating me, I'm better than you at this game!
Mikey: It's all good you're in noob denial
Nikko: Nope you just got lucky lets play again

by rekless91 August 14, 2010