To explain a multi-step process in detail from start to finish to preempt confusion.
This phrase makes reference to the evolution of the modern species of whale from a contemporary cousin of a terrestrial "wolf-like" mammal called Pakicetus of the Eocene Era. While ALL life living on dry land came originally from the water, a small number of earlier species went from water to land BACK to water; BAM, wolf to whales
Boss: "John, why don't you take us from wolf to whales on your new project?"
John: "Be happy to boss. I wouldn't want anyone to be confused!"
A short girl with really bad anger issues that loves kids and animals but doesn't like other people
Serenna wolfe - is a different character or also known as a crazy person
The gold coins all wolves carry in hidden pouches or pass down in hordes kept in their dens.
Canadian fur trappers were always hunting wolves for their skins and wolf coins.
In foreign exchange and stock trading, a wolf market is a market condition, where traders are consistently making profits.
It's a wolf market out there! Wall Street is making insane profits.
a tomboy girl who has a soul of a wolf ... likes moons and acts strong.
has a very kind heart but a strong mind .
also chauntell means Stone and said as (shawn-tell)
in other words a tone wolf
Damn why is she such a chauntell wolf?
she is such a chauntell wolf , i like her.
Wolf day is celebrated on the 29th of December. It is when wolf people (mainly wolf girls) combine to make one army and bark all day. They team up to make a colony and mate possibly. On the 30th, the wolf colony will separate, but stay in contact and will keep in touch to combine again next year. Wolf Day Eve ( 28th of December) and even some days before the 28th, the wolf people will find more people to make this colony for this memorial celebration.
“Hey, it’s Wolf Day!”
“Oh, can I join your colony?”
“You already are in our colony if you are one of us.”
“Amazing! Let’s bark at out haters faces!”
“Great idea, Wolfie!”