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Chips and dips

A university / college alternative for ciggrates and booze

Where can i get some chips and dips in this area , fam?

by FRJHC February 11, 2018

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Skimpy on the chips

A phrase meaning uncool, retarded,or lame. Created when choco chip ice cream had hardly any chips in it. Used when something is annoying you or someone is getting on your case.

"Dude, you're gettin' all skimpy on the chips on me." or "That's skimpy on the chips."

by Seany Fizz July 15, 2006

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lords chips

Did he not tell you they were the lords chips....

The Lords Chips are holy in the way of a ninja masturbating in a corner but in Japanese shrine. Also may refer to a man who has grieved over the loss of his beloved left testicle.

by Peter's Dick Pencil December 2, 2016

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chip tooth

messed up grill aka teeth

"look at that chiptooth fag"

by Cheryl September 26, 2003

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Barbacue Chip

When a woman gives an old, blood, crusty tampon to a man so he can eat it.

Sue gave Jim her barbacue chips last nite and he ate it up.

by wordnerd123 June 21, 2009

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chip eater

Common person, usually resident in one of the lesser-developed cities (such as Liverpool) and more specifically on a council estate (the UK’s version of β€œda projects”), who likes to eat chips for/with every meal. Typically they will wear extremely tacky looking gold jewellery and fake Burberry clothing. They have very little or no education, nor do they have any recognisable communication skills. They blow most of the government's generous scum-allowance on the day they receive it, on scratchcards and then in the pub, then subsist on Bensons and food from the chippy for the rest of the month. Consequently they are malnourished and have weeping sores on their faces. Generally criminal, and frankly unlikely to ever contribute anything to society. Since conscription is unlikely they aren't even good for absorbing bullets fired by johnny-foreigner, and so serve no purpose and should be ethnically clensed. They feel no remorse in procreating way beyond their financial means. Moreover, if they find themselves to some level of pecuniary advantage, they feel obliged to screw this up by dropping a sprog at the earliest opportunity.

Me: Hey! You sir! Why are you eating chips so early in the morning?
Chip Eater: Just got da fookin dole an' am from fookin Toxteth.

by Sean Adanby January 13, 2004

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bobbing for chips

Extreme red facial colour, caused by excessive excersise, booze or sex, resembilng that of a person who may have dipped his face into boiling oil to steal chips.

The lenghts fat people will go to get food.

Christ, look at his face, looks like he's been Bobbing for chips'

I'm so hungry, I could Bob for chips.

by Rob Hughes August 10, 2006

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