urban dictionary's son is dictionary a popular online dictionary were people won't just shut up. fine you look up pizza. the dictionary tells you that its a pizza with rotten mushrooms on it. you look up Kelly Clarkson. tells you a thing that hosts a show called ThE kEllY ClARksOn ShOw. after that you get pissed off by the spelling and you ditch your computer down the stairs.
I'm getting tired of urban dictionary so lets go look up Dictionary you find dictionary. huh maybe this is urban dictionary's SON. wowowowowoowowowwow
An ex-fan who has established an almost mentorly relationship with a celebrity they used to stan , giving them clout and the added boost of meeting and knowing famous people.
“God, ever since Avery became a band daughter/son she’s been so stuck up!”
“Yeah! Ever since she became friends with *insert celebrity here* she’s gained 10,000 followers AND got invited to a premiere!”
1. Phrase chanted at someone to encourage them to skull their drink. Often prompted by discreet drink evasion or whining about how they can't skull or have work the next day. The phrase conveys both an implied threat and disgust in the party it is directed at.
2. To a lesser extent may replace phrase "man up" when someone is piking on a particular activity or event"
"Same again mate?"
"Nah, I think i'll take it easy from now on, I've got work tomorrow."
"Fucking chang up son!"
6👍 2👎
the only one who could ever reach me
was the son of a preacher man
47👍 23👎
Soccer term used to shout to a friend/soccer player......used to will them on in the game
"Cantona has the ball........go on my son!"
64👍 34👎
Phrase used to express your pain by saying it to the one that caused the pain.
13👍 4👎
everything in the world has gone wrong
Son-of-a-fuckin-bitch! Everything in the world just went wrong!
40👍 20👎