When you nut in someone’s nose
Lmao I just gave you a shiesty case of baby boogers
A dumb little baby that is a bully booger but in the end is a good baby
Baby booger:dj is fat
Dj booger:😭
Baby booger:it was just a joke
The male act of ejaculating under your desk, and having your semen stick underneath. Akin to children in grade school sticking their boogers underneath their desks.
After Kevin was fired from his job, the cleaning crew discovered a large accumulation of dick boogers when cleaning out his desk.
The stuff that comes out when a male pees after ejaculating
Bro i just shot out a dick booger after nutting
The left over balls of semen left in the nut hairs after sloppy sex the night before.
Damn I should have showered after sex last night. My nut hairs are all stuck together because of these these dick boogers.
When you fuck someone with a yeast infection.
“Ah dude...I fucked Brittany last night but her vag was crawling with that cottage cheese and I was left with them dick boogers”
An alternate name for Burger King.
I'm headin over to Booger Snatch for a Whopper, you want anything?