The art of inserting four knuckles into your father's anus and grabbing ahold of your thumb to work it back and forth in return directly for cannabis or money to buy cannabis
I couldnt afford any weed so i gave dad a turtle flipper.
Unlike a turtle head a 'slumbering turtle' is knowing that you have a poop coming on, but it is not yet as severe.
I've got a slumbering turtle right now, but I might want to get it out before it turns into a turtle head!
It’s a turtle with wings and a hotdog as a neck. They fly and appear when you’re high.
Bro I smoked so much I can see pork turtles.
When your tampon pokes out like a turtle head.
"Yesterday I sneezed during a meeting and for the rest of the afternoon my tampon turtle drove me crazy!"
After you buttfuck Senator Mitch McConnell you make him go ass to mouth, that's the Dirty Turtle.
I was two miles up ole Mitch's dirt road when I when flipped him North to South and he gave me a Dirty Turtle!
The act of being so high/drunk that once upon your back, you are rendered incapable of getting yourself back to the appropriate angle
"He was so high last night he had a full on turtling out episode"
They banned turtle snorkels at Mc Donald's, that's why your drink tastes like cardboard