Source Code

walks into the blobby

Used when someone walks in to the blobby

*walks into the blobby*

by Stoopidassname June 8, 2021

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Turlington Walk

n. The act of moving quickly on foot through Turlington Plaza in the University of Florida in order to avoid contact with flyer holders and other annoying people who constantly try to get your attention. The Turlington Walk is usually accompanied by donning sunglasses and/or headphones to further promote the illusion of distraction.

Once I realized that Student Government elections were tomorrow, I had to do a Turlington Walk in order to get to my afternoon class in Little Hall without being nagged at least fifty times.

by Maxwell Edison, M.D. March 26, 2009

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dope walk

you just did a line of coke and you're feeling good while walking

Wow, that line was fat but don't kill my dope walk

by JeremiahBAE December 8, 2014

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Walking Straight

A positive life path that is followed to success by good people.

Mike: Hey what ever happened to Jim?
John: He went to Harvard, he's Walking Straight in life.

by Bill Lumbergh's Wife January 25, 2014

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drunk walking

Walking around under heavy influence of alcohol, in a dream-like state resembling sleepwalking. Never remembered, but can be shown to have happened by evidence the following day.

I don't know why my pants are downstairs and the fridge door is still open...must've been drunk walking.

by eleventhtoe October 22, 2011

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Shadow Walking

walking behind some one as if you were there shadow and when they turn around act like nothing was happening

I was shadow walking john and it was so funny.

by JT,RT,RT,MR October 1, 2010

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Walking Sausage

A walking sausage is a girl resembling a sausage. Usually found on a couch with a gatorade, wearing a push-up bra.

"You look like a walking sausage"
"Go drink some gatorade, walking sausage"

by coolerthanmrt February 7, 2010

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