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A person who see your WhatsApp and does not ignore it.

Yanky was not a good friend, he saw my status and chose to ignore it.

by Youhavetoknow July 24, 2022


someone you are willing to die on call to

if a friend said: “the world is ending in 11 days”. another friend would say: “oh, let’s die on call

by willandlilith April 9, 2018


a friend is someone who talks to you 24/7 the time even if you are in the worse condition ever and walks u to places and classes a friend can also lie too so be careful those are call Fake friends

Y/N: Heyyy Friend so have u heard abt the drama
Y/N: No tell me all about it Friend

by Selenaortez14fav August 21, 2022


A friend is some you will never have.
If you do have a friend your relationship would have started off thinking "when I first saw you I thought you were a bitch", and you still do.

I don't have any friends

by abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzqw January 17, 2019


A thing a need

I don't have any friends

by Lxv_ July 19, 2021


Someone non existent unless you're rich and famous and is able to do great things for you.

The noun for people who are able to poke fun into how I live my dramatic life, but really doesn't exist at all
They say that life is like a show, but they didn't told me that, I had an audience where nobody is a friend
A term where people use, to protect themselves against someone who could bring harm to their life

Also a term, where people use to alienate themselves from the person, without the risk of being called cold-hearted

Are you a friend of mine?

by publicownedhome March 18, 2021


people who know exactly how retarded you are but still love you anyways

oh yeah that’s one of my friends i guess

by okay??! August 8, 2019