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Packing Bricks

When some is scared and they shit them selves

We got mugged the other day and I was packing bricks

by boogmeister September 12, 2016

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bricks for the high

the money you are gonna spend on drugs, mainly marijuana, that you have set aside to get you high.

I got the bricks for the high

by Kevin M. M December 1, 2006

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leave a brick

it means to get a drink and only take a few sips, leaving almost a full cup/bottle to go to waste.

Everytime we go to a party, he always finds a way to take someone else's beer and leave a brick because he didnt want to finish it.

by Tris May 8, 2004

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brick wall

1. A stubborn person who refuses to accept your point of view, even though their own is entirely asinine.

2. Someone who is too stupid to hold up their side of the conversation, and offers no opinons of their own.

1. "The sky is blue or grey."
"The sky is green."
"Th sky is blue or grey."
"Green, green, green, green la la la la la NOT LISTENING TO YOU."

2. "So.. what do you think of _______?"
"Oh, it's ok."

"Erm. Well, did you ever read _______?"
"Oh. No."

"Ok so what did you think of that film we saw last night?"
"It was ok."

eg. I like talking to brick walls. I find it is the only thing that never contradicts me ~ Oscar Wilde.

by AJ_Legend March 22, 2008

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Bricked Out

Blacked the fuck out, so drunk that you can not make any reasonable decisions. Have an insatiable need to get on a roof

Wow bro you were bricked out last night.
Yeah bro I don’t remember any of it.

by Blacked out October 4, 2021

Brick Lane

Its an area in east london mainly populated by bengalis and is the best place in London that you can find

I just got some fish from brick lane

by s4y33d February 23, 2021

Rectal Brick

A Black writing surface where text and pictures may be drawn on by Chalk. Also known as a 'chalkboard' or 'blackboard'.

The teacher in class today had to write up the 5 rules of the classroom on the rectal brick before we would behave.

by Keesh^_^ September 16, 2008