A northerner who may or may not be disabled because of a driving incident
Craig senna is a weapon
Do you have Mr. Mcgorry?
Yes! He's so Punny!
So Craig Mcgorry you mean!
the typical definition of a nonce in everyway possible
that guy is acting like a craig shafto
The most perfect person. His heart is almost as big as his dick.
Zackery Craig is perfect.
When you're taking a shower while someone is also taking a shit, because the steam amplifies the smell.
Good, my girlfriend needs to stop giving me the cold Craig. I will never feel clean.
Craig wilkins who teaches 8th grade is the hottest person alive and deserves the world
A really fucking cool millipede who is sick as fucking shit.
Person: Hey, do you have any pets?
Me: Yeah, I got a millipede named Craig Jr. He is sick of fuck, no lie.
Person: Craig Jr. is just so sick man.
Me: Yeah, he is the sickest motherfucker on the planet.