To treat Thursday night like its a Friday night
It's Thursday let's not get too excited.
Nah Devils Friday let's get lit
🍆... you know what it is
That is a mighty nice devil's eggplant you have there!
A facet of reality that is of when you get so high your eyes are blood shot red.
I got so devilheaded at the Jebels
The diagonal stripes used to mark no-parking areas in parking lots and on streets. The term "devil stripes" is used in Northeast Ohio, and possibly in other areas.
I got a $50 ticket for parking in the devil stripes.
Tonsil stones. The sickly sulfur-smelling, squishy, feta cheese-consistency blobs in the tonsils of a lot of people. These stones cause bad breath and other nasty problems. tonsils gross stones feta bad breath
Tim: "bro, I brush and floss religiously but my breath still stinks"
Bob: "have you checked for Devil's feta around your tonsils?" tonsils gross stones feta bad breath
A sex move in which after a vagina has been filled with cum, one proceeds to chug sherry through the orifice before inserting two or more "lady's fingers" (actual lady fingers, but if you have none to hand, the sponge variety may be substituted) and giving it a good mix. Intoxication may follow.
"I hear Jeff and Barbra partook in the Devil's Trifle last Tuesday afternoon"
"Good grief."
a soul that progressively enslaves humanity with absolutely zero conscious
ive heard of selling your soul ÷
with that being said yall must have split @ the big bang to become SCOTUS
# autistic devil