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mixer drinks

Mixer drinks are a mix of spirits with soft drinks, most commonly lemonade. These drinks are extremely easy to consume due to the soft drink content and there for are a typical starting drink for underage teens. They are also extremely pussy drinks and are quite popular with the ladies and the fags.

Lance and his friends headed into the nightclub looking forward to a good night of partying until they noticed that something was terribly wrong, all the guys were consuming mixer drinks. Clearly they were in a gay nightclub.

by Bazza78 September 29, 2006

19๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

bitch drink

An alcoholic beverage favored by women that often has a fruity/sweet flavor. Men who drink these are often referred to as pussys. These drinks take forever to get you drunk and the hangover the next morning may or may not kill you.

At a party we see 10 men having rye and coke, insert charley with a smirnoff twisted rasberry drink.
"Yo man! look!! Charley's sipping a bitch drink"
"What does that mke you, Charley? A bitch?"
*charley runs away crying into the bathroom*

by __cute_aza_button__ September 28, 2006

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Ghetto Drinks

Koolaid. Nuff said.

"yo mama so ghetto she breastfed Ghetto Drinks!"

by PicoChu June 10, 2013

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enervy drink

Generic/supermarket own brand energy drink and vodka. Commonly Red Bull+vodka.

Red Rooster (Morrisons supermarket, UK) + (any type, standard flavour) of vodka
I arrived at the bar: "Just had a few enervy drinks at home. Half way between a buzz & a haze. Nice. Let's drink more!"

by (((+/-))) December 1, 2006

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Drink responsibly

ayo fuck whoever said this dumbass shit its way more fun to get shit faced and throw up then go home a little bit tipsy

P1: Make sure to drink responsibly Josh
P2: Fuck that, fuck you

by YoMommaCrackDealer February 18, 2021

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Underage Drinking

An activity commonly engaged in by people who are too young to legally drink, too unimaginative to do anything interesting or healthy, and too afraid of being found out as bores to interact with other people when they're sober.

Unfortunately, most underage drinkers remain dull and uncomfortable with themselves after they turn into regular drinkers who don't need to use fake IDs to sneak cheap beer and liquor.

I wanted my roommate to meet you guys, so I invited him to come with us on this hike. When he found out that we weren't bringing any alcohol, and that we were just going to take some sandwiches and try out my new camera, he decided he'd rather sit on his ass in his room getting drunk and watching cartoons on DVD.

It's too bad, because he's been complaining about how fat he's getting, and we must've burned about 1000 calories today. He always says he's bored, but every time somebody invites him to do anything other than drink he turns them down and says whatever they're doing is stupid. It's like he thinks that if underage drinking isn't involved, it can't be interesting. I think he would have liked seeing those bald eagles trying to catch fish and those hot girls we passed by the bridge. He played basketball in high school; maybe that game we're planning for next week won't be too "boring" for him.

Hopefully by the time I get home he'll be too drunk to yell at the television, but not so drunk that he's puking or blacked out. Had to call an ambulance for him last month when he blacked out; that was lame. I'm also tired of hearing him bitch about having trouble getting up for his classes - if he didn't stay up drinking most nights he wouldn't have such a problem.

But really - he's a cool guy when he's sober.

by sharktoothedrabbit November 14, 2011

28๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž

drink stand

A woman's rear functions as a drink stand, for when a man does her from behind and she reaches way over and grabs her toes, the ass forms a perfect cup-holder. Combining sex and furniture, the woman can function no better. Anything from beer bottles to fine spirits will balance on this perfect stand.

Coming home from a hard day at the office, there's nothing better than a nice glass of Scotch, close at hand on my woman's drink stand.

by IoTorilla October 12, 2009

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