Source Code

Night Crawler

A low key term used to inform your buddy that jail bait is present.

(night crawlers = bait.)

Michael wanted to make a move on the group of girls at the party but was quickly briefed by a fellow bro that they were night crawlers... Michael didn't care.

Ryan didn't sleep for a week after finding out he raw dogged a night crawler he met at the halloween party.

(2 bro's at Coachella) This place is littered with Night Crawlers!

I know I'm loving it!

by Assault Rifle May 5, 2011

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friday night

When all the Dickheads go out every Friday Night cos they think there cool and hard, they only go to get drunk, have a fight, smoke weed and then shag someone.

Rachel: OMG! You've got to come out this Friday Night, so we can have a brawl with those bitches in town.

Sammy: No Thank-You, I've got to do my Coursework Tonight.

by Vicksy December 9, 2005

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Neverwinter Nights

Neverwinter Nights is a computer game made in 2002. Its a role playing game (RPG) in which you travel accross the land of neverwinter to do quests, i think its a great game.

"Hey dave, i bought Neverwinter Nights yesterday, its awesome."
"Told ya so, i killed a dragon yesterday"

by Craig828 December 22, 2005

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goosey night

another word for mischief night; the night before halloween where kids go out and egg houses, tp trees, etc

Chris: what'd u do for goosey night last year?
Joe: not much, just tp'd a few trees

by Bandaid man February 28, 2005

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ABC Night

Any epic, educational night out involving the combination of absinthe, a Buick (or comparable set of questionable wheels), and a (preferably sketchy) casino.

Used by city dwellers who grow bored of the myriad of entertainment options at their doorstep & (delusionally) itch for a rural adventure, only to come running back.

How about we drink this bottle of absinthe, pile in my mom's Buick, drive down to one of those trashy casinos and have ourselves an ABC Night?

by Baby Atlas Shrugged January 5, 2011

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sunday night

Sunday Night; Verb.

To Have A Wank on a Sunday Night

Liam: Hey! What You Doing Later?
Adam: 'aving A Sunday Night,

by Remmzz November 23, 2007

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Blackmoore's Night

A celtic medieval band. Music by Richie Blackmoore and Lyrics by Candice Night.

I saw three ships 'a-sailing in, from acrross the sea. Stragners ne're were welcome but for curiosity. But come they did and when they did, ready they did stand. And things would never be the same in our villiage on the sand.

Paint me a picture and hang it on the wall. Colour it darkly the lines will start to crawl.

Raise your hands and your glasses too. We will dance the whole night through. we're going back to a time we knew, under a violet moon.

by Rebecca November 28, 2003

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